Unusual Hunk of Metal

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"Listen up. I don't usually lecture." Started Polnareff as he was turned around in his seat to talk to the woman who had knocked him over. "Stupid people are stupid because they don't understand something even when you keep repeating it. You know guys like that, right? Idiots that just don't understand. But you know, uh..." He looked at the roof of the bus in thought, "I never got your name..."

"Nena." Spoke the woman.

Polnareff nodded approvingly, "Nena! That's a great name. You're the daughter of a wealthy family in the sacred city of Varanasi that we're passing through, right? You're good looking, and I can see you're a smart girl. I have an eye for people, so I'm going to lecture you. Hol Horse is a horrible, lying bastard. You're being tricked! Your parents would cry." He turned around and gestured you over, "Back me up on this, (Y/N)."

You began to stand up so you could sit next to Polnareff but Jotaro grabbed your wrist, "Where are you going?" You pointed at the French man causing the Kujo to let out an angry huff and let go while turning to look out the window again, "Whatever..."

Polnareff slung an arm around your shoulder as you sat down. You spoke to Nena as you leaned into the French man, "He's right, you know. There are certainly better fish in the sea than Hol Horse. Maybe you should broaden your horizons."

Kakyoin spoke up, interrupting the conversation, "Hey, it's coming into view. The city of Varanasi." As the bus drove over the bridge you could see several small boats drifting along the water. There were more people wading in the shallow part along the shore.

Joseph lifted up his forearm to get a better look at the pink lump forming on it, "Man... it's getting worse."

Caesar, who was sitting next to the Joestar, scrunched his face up in disgust. "What the hell? That's gross Joseph. You should probably get that checked out, or maybe we should just cut it off..."

The bus slowed down to a stop and all of you got out. Jotaro spoke to his grandpa, "What's wrong, old man? You don't look well."

Joseph showed off his arm, "It looks like the spot that I thought was a bug bite got infected."

Caesar put a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I'm going to go to the doctor with him to get it checked out."

Polnareff looked at it with interest, "Hey, it almost looks like it has a face on it."

Joseph moves his arm away, "Stop messing around, Polnareff."

The French man laughed, "Sorry, 'bout that." And with that the two men walked away.

Kakyoin put a hand on your shoulder, "JoJo and I want to chill at the hotel for a bit, want to come with?

Polnareff shook your arm, "Hey, I'm going to explore this place while I try to convince Nena to hate Hol Horse. You should come with."

You looked at both groups, "Um, I'll go with Jotaro and Kakyoin to sign into the hotel, I'll meet up with you later, okay?" Polnareff gave a nod and then left with Nena trailing silently behind him.

It took a while, but the person at the front desk was now handing out the keys. You handed Kakyoin and Jotaro their own and pocketed the rest. You'd give Polnareff his when you met up with him, and Caesar and Joseph could get their's when you all met up at the hotel. You waved a quick goodbye to your comrades and started walking along the street.

In the distance, you saw the clinic that Joseph and Caesar were going to. You decided to head over there as you might as well give them their keys now. Before you entered the building, you heard the sound of glass breaking from the alleyway going along the clinic. You quickly peak your head in to investigate and you're a bit shocked to see Caesar standing amidst the broken glass. He seemed to have jumped from an upper story window and landed on his feet, his mechanical legs probably helped to absorb the shock. He crouched down and picked something up amongst the shards and shoved it into his pocket. Despite all that, his breathing remained steady as he stood up and looked around the alleyway.

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