To New York We Go

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You clutched the piece of parchment tightly in your hands. The edges crinkled as you read the neat lettering on the page. You couldn't believe that Jonathan's life actually ended on that boat. You were glad that Erina was alive, though. She had saved two children by doing so, one her own and one from a stranger who had died protecting it.

Speedwagon stood behind you, gently rubbing your shoulders while reading the letter in your hands. He tried to hide the tears that were welling up in his eyes but couldn't once he saw your now tear stained face look up at him.

"It looks like our friends need us." You nodded at his words.

"Indeed, we can try our best to support Erina. To think he'd die so soon after getting married, the world seems to play some sort of crude joke on the Joestar bloodline."

So that is what the two of you did. For the most part, you stayed with Erina. Helping her through her pregnancy. Straizo showed up every so often and had decided to raise the baby girl that had been named Elizabeth. Speedwagon began going out on his own, exploring America while you helped Erina.

Before long, she gave birth to her own baby. She named it George after Jonathan's father. The small child was a joy in your life as much as it was Erina's. You and Speedwagon watched as the child grew along with Elizabeth. The blonde man ended up finding oil while searching the lands. With the sudden increase of income he created his own foundation that would research the world.

As time continued to pass you realized something odd. Despite everyone aging around you, your body's appearance remained the same to the point that even your hair had stopped growing longer. It was painful to watch as your dear friends grew older and you couldn't join them. You and Speedwagon had planned on getting married eventually, but knowing that you would remain in this youthful state while he grew older stopped such a thing from happening.

The knowledge of your no longer aging body hurt Speedwagon as well. He wished to grow old with you, but because of Dio it no longer seemed possible. His foundation worked hard to figure out if there was a way to get rid of whatever Dio had done. For the time being, there seemed no plausible way to reverse it. The most he could do was use his influence to change up your records every so often so that they matched your physical age.

This new barrier of sorts between the two of you caused you and Speedwagon to grow apart. While you did still care for one another, you both ultimately decided to break things off. This distance between you only grew as you spent less and less time with one another. Your relationship having become more like old friends rather than lovers.

In your spare time, you continued researching the limits of your capabilities. You felt you should at least know yourself better in the case anything like Dio happened again. In order to remain out of the eyes of the majority of humanity, you decided to take up the offer of Tonpetty and moved to the location of the Hamon users. Before you left, you handed Speedwagon a small vial of your blood and told him to open it if he needed anything.

You tried your best to help those in training. Straizo seemed to hold an odd admiration towards you. You weren't sure if you should've felt flattered by this, but you were grateful of him allowing you to stay there.

Neither George or Elizabeth knew you very well. They had only seen you a few times as children and those memories were fuzzy. You were elated when they decided to get married. They didn't know who you were when you showed up at their wedding. You spent most of your time reconnecting with Speedwagon and you were introduced to people as his adopted daughter.

Elizabeth later gave birth to a son named Joseph. Not long after, George was killed when he discovered that one of the officers was a zombie. When Elizabeth found out, she killed the zombie that had killed her husband. Someone witnessed the act and Elizabeth went into hiding with all evidence of her existence erased and the new name Lisa Lisa.

Joseph was raised by Erina with Speedwagon being his uncle figure. You remained absent during these times as well. You visited Speedwagon every now and again and you enjoyed listening to how he described the growing of Joseph. He seemed to have become the near opposite of his grandfather which you had known so well.

You visited Speedwagon once again as soon as you had heard about the plane crash he and Joseph had been in. He told you of Joseph's ability to use Hamon. You knew he had wanted Joseph to be out of the way of all things Hamon and Vampire related, but it seemed that it was too much to hope for.

Five years after the plane crash, you were now seventy, though you still looked to be around twenty. Honestly, you felt like you were twenty. You were now under the guise of Speedwagon's granddaughter. The now grey haired man was currently in Mexico, investigating some odd ruins that he believed had a relation to the stone mask that had caused you so much trouble forty nine years ago.

You had asked to go with him, eager to see the end of the stone masks once and for all. He requested that you instead keep a watch over Erina and Joseph in case anything went wrong while he was gone, since he was the one who asked them to visit New York. He had called Straizo and some other users of the Ripple to join him in his endeavor and assured you he'd be safe. He slowly moved the small container of your blood that you had given him and told you that if push came to shove he'd open it. You reluctantly agreed to the request.

You were now walking slowly along the streets of New York. Your (f/c) parasol twirling in your hand. Your other hand moved to adjust the dark blue scarf around your neck that covered the fang marks that had not yet healed forty nine years after the vampire's death. You sighed as you watched the young Joestar from a distance. It was hot out, and being outside wasn't really your ideal way of spending the day.

Joseph moved to a stand that was selling some cold bottles of Cola. The drinks looked pretty good and you began crossing the street to perhaps get one yourself.

"Oh? You just moved here, eh?" The seller of the drinks held a bottle of Cola in one hand, "Anyhow, if you want a drink, pay me. Money is the rule here."

Joseph pulled out his wallet and grabbed out enough to pay the man. The moment he took out the green piece of paper, a kid rushed in and took the wallet, leaving the seller shocked.

"Hey, friend! He took your wallet! After him!"

Carrying his bottle of Cola he moved after the kid who had snatched his wallet and ran into an alley way. Knowing his temper, things likely wouldn't turn out well for the opposing party. You looked at the Cola stand, then to the alleyway, and back to the Cola stand. You took a nickel out of your pocket to buy yourself a nice cold bottle.

You followed after the brown haired young adult. You turn the corner to see Joseph using Hamon to shoot the bottle cap at the man's finger. You wince at the sound of the bone cracking as well as the officer's scream of pain.

Both policemen were crouch on the ground fretting over their injuries. Joseph guzzled down the rest of the coke, before his expression turned fearful, "I lost my temper again! N-Now I'm in trouble. G-Granny Erina will be furious!" He then looked to the kid that had stolen his wallet. "So, Mr. Pickpocket, shall we high tail it?" When he turned around to run he saw you standing there with your coke bottle. "What are you looking at, lady?"

You looked down at his empty glass bottle and the to Joseph, "Umm, want some more Cola?"

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