"Polnareff." Started Avdol as he walked over to the French man, "My apologies. I take back my statement that you hadn't matured."
"No, you were right." Polnareff stared off into the distance, "I should be the one to apologize." Avdol placed a hand on his shoulder.
You looked around while shuffling over to your companions, "Um, guys. The enemy is still-"
You were cut off by the sound of Judgement's battle cry of sorts as it leaped toward all of you. In sync, all of your Stands appeared before you, only for them to be knocked aside with Judgement's impressive strength. It laughed, "This battle has been decided." The enemy Stand's folded its arms, "Avdol! Tell me your three wishes! I shall grant them for you. Before you die for real this time! Go ahead! Give it a shot! You get three wishes!"
You rose your hand as you asked a question, "Excuse me, Cameo, but why don't I get any wishes?"
If Judgement's face could properly show emotion, it would probably look as confused as Polnareff did as he stared at you, "What?"
Avdol nodded along, "It does seem unfair. You did meet him before me, after all."
"Fine, whatever. You can have your three wishes first." Spoke the enemy Stand, which was quickly becoming annoyed.
You shook your head, "Well, I don't really want to make any wishes, I just didn't want be left out, ya know?"
Avdol spoke up, "Then is it fine if I go first?"
You waved him ahead, "Of course, by all means."
Avdol got to his feet and held up four fingers as he addressed Judgement, "Make it four."
"What?" Mumbled the enemy Stand
"Wishes. I mean wishes." Clarified the Egyptian. "I wish to make the three wishes into four. Tsk, tsk."
"You can't be serious..." Judgement's eyes began to glow.
Avdol shouted, "Are you denying my wish? Cameo, you're the one that offered! I will have you keep your promise!" He brought out Magician's Red.
"You still insist upon this futile contest of power?" Spoke Judgement condescendingly as the fire Stand went in for a strike, "Such a weak kick." With a burst of flames, the leg made contact with the Stand's arm, shattering the armor along its forearm. Judgement screamed in perhaps both fright and pain.
"Yes! Awesome!" Shouted Polnareff.
Avdol waved his finger again to disperse the tiny flame coming from the tip, "Tsk, tsk. My first wish was to make you scream in pain. It came true."
Judgement stared at the Egyptian, worried, "I-Impossible! You're strong! You're much stronger than earlier!"
Avdol reaches behind him, "The wound left after I was stabbed by the Hanged Man hasn't completely healed yet. I was guarding that wound earlier, so I couldn't use all of my strength. I was finally able to Stand again just three days ago in India. I was able to take a plane here, so the trip was very easy."
Polnareff smiled as he pointed at the Egyptian, "Nothing less from you, Avdol!"
"Now, my second wish..." Magician's Red made a rope of fire, wrapped it around Judgement's neck, and pulled. The enemy Stand's face cracked and fire shot out from its sockets as it screamed. "To make you scream in fear! And my third wish..." The Fire stand kicked Judgement in the back, shattering the armor around the torso, "To make you cry in regret!"
Judgement rolled into a ball as it was flung into the sky and then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Polnareff grit his teeth, "Th-That bastard! He's running away! Wait, damn you!" The French man began to sprint in the same direction but stopped as Avdol interrupted him.

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader