Who's a Good Boy?

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The lot of you had managed to make it to a town. The Joestar decided to call his wife from a pay phone to sort the situation from earlier. You and Jotaro were with him while the others were picking out a car.

"So, um, Jotaro is just here to help me with my work. He has a long way to go, compared to me. Yeah, yeah. She's here, too. No, I'm not going to try anything. Yeah. It's a very important task. I can't mess it up. But if we work together, we will get it done." The Joestar scrunched his face up in confusion, "Sure, but what about?" He looked over at you and Jotaro who were waiting for him to finish, "No." He moved the phone away from his ear, "Jotaro."

The Kujo walked over and took the telephone from his grandpa, "It's me. Yeah. Grandma Susie, you... It's nothing." He held the phone out to you.

With an eyebrow raised you accepted the device, "Um, how's it going, Susie?"

You could here laugh from the other side, "Good. I'm doing good. I'm glad you're there to take care of the two of them. Oh! You have to visit sometime, maybe once the trip is over. All of us could get together! With Caesar, too, of course."

You rubbed the back of your neck as you looked around the relatively empty street, "Uh, yeah. Sure. Sounds good."

"Well, I'll be seeing you around, (Y/N). Stay safe!" And with that she hung up. You set the phone back in the receiver.

Joseph shoved his hands into his pockets, "Alright, let's go. The ties with Dio that we've had for over a century..." He pointed at himself with his thumb, "We Joestar's will finally bring that to an end. Oh, and you too, (Y/N)."

"Wow, I'm so honored that you decided to include me on this quest..." You spoke sarcastically while smiling.

Jotaro gave a rare smile of his own, "Yeah, It won't just be us."

"Hey, Mr. Joestar!" Shouted Kakyoin, who was standing up in their chosen vehicle. "We got the car!"

Polnareff honked the horn, "Let's hurry up and go."

Caesar leaned over the edge of the door, "Let's get where we're going before it gets too dark. If you don't hurry up, we're gonna leave you behind."

You patted the two members of the Joestar bloodline on the back, "Well, we best be off then." You walked over to the car and Kakyoin patted the empty seat next to him which you gladly accepted.

Joseph spoke up as he and Jotaro decided to actually join the rest of you, "Yeah, yeah. We're coming." He climbed into the back with Caesar while Jotaro sat next to you, quickly settling an arm around your shoulder. Polnareff stepped down on the gas pedal and started the drive across the desert.

Some time later, Joseph poked the back of your head, "Hey, (Y/N), did you already contact the foundation for the you know what?"

You nodded, "Yup, they're already headed towards the destination you requested. It shouldn't be long." The Joestar nodded in contentment and leaned back into his seat.

Polnareff pushed down on the breaks and the car skidded to a stop along the sand.

You all climbed out and you gently grabbed Jotaro's wrist to get a look at his watch, "It should be about time." You could hear a faint whirring sound that was quickly getting louder, "Oh, hey, there it is."

Polnareff squinted into the sky, "What is that?" His eyes widened, "No way, a helicopter?"

"You don't need to state the obvious." Spoke Kakyoin.

Joseph nodded in response to Polnareff, "Yup, it's a Speedwagon Foundation helicopter. They're looking for a place to land."

Jotaro shifted his gaze over to you, "Speedwagon Foundation?" He shook his head, "I still can't believe that you're the one who owns such a big corporation."

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