Monkey Buisness

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Everyone let out surprised gasps as they noticed the ginormous ship that had somehow gotten so close without anyone noticing. The members of the crew from the previous ship spoke.

"Woah! A-A freighter!"

"I didn't see it at all."

Joseph glanced at his grandson to see his gaze hardened, "Jotaro, what are you concerned about? Do you think there might be another Stand user on this freighter too?"

Caesar let out a frustrated sigh and mumbled under his breath, "Gee, I hope not... stupid Stands..."

Jotaro replied to his grandfather's question, "No, I was just wondering why no one's shown themselves, even though the ramp is down."

The edge of the emergency boat collided with the bottom of the ramp. Polnareff quickly jumped onto the stairs, "They came this far to rescue us! There has to be someone on board!Even if they're all Stand users, I'm getting on this boat."

Hesitantly, the majority of people followed him up the steps. You, Joseph, and Jotaro remained at the bottom of the staircase. You were waiting on Anne.

Jotaro extended an arm towards her, "Grab on. I'll help you up."

She looked at the outstretched hand and thought for a moment before jumping off the emergency boat into your arms. The force made you lose your balance a bit, but Joseph held your shoulders to steady you. Anne stuck her tongue out at Jotaro. The Kujo looked away and mumbled a Yare yare.

So you carried the girl with you up the stairs, the two men followed behind you in case you happened to slip. Upon reaching the deck and setting Anne on her feet, you noticed just how empty the boat seemed to be. You first investigated the helm of the freighter.

"W-What's with this boat?! There's no one anywhere!" Shouted Joseph as he stared at the steering wheel that seemed to move of its own will.  "And yet look." He put his hand on one of the gauges, "All the meters and machines are working properly."

Polnareff shrugged and smiled, "Maybe they're all in the bathroom with a bad case of diarrhea."

"I'll check." You said as you brought out your Stand. "Kars, can you check for the heat signatures of any living things on this boat?"

Kars thought for a moment, "Maybe. If you ask nicely."

You stopped yourself from sighing and looked into his eyes, "Please?"

The corners of his mouth curved up to form a smirk, "With pleasure." He put his hands on the wall, "Ignoring the people who entered the boat with you, I can sense one other life form. A male orangutan." He took his hand off the wall and gestures to a door connected to the cockpit, "It's in that room." He looked back at you, "Was that good enough for you?"

You gave him a smile, "Of course, thank you Kars." His smirk seemed to falter a bit as he adverted his gaze. You then put your stand away.

Anne peaked out of the door Kars had just pointed to, she was waving everyone over, "Guys, come look at this!"

Kakyoin looked at the girl curiously, "Is it a monkey?"

She stopped waving you over as she looked at Kakyoin. She seemed a bit confused, "Yeah... how did you know?" The Noriaki just shrugged in response.

You then followed the girl into the room to see there most certainly was a monkey. It was sitting in a cage with one hand gripping the bars. It's eyebrows seemed to raise and the monkey seemed to be looking you up and down in interest.

"Who the cares about a monkey?!" Joseph turned around and started walking out of the room, "There has to be someone feeding it. I don't care what Kars said, it's just like him to leave out information. Let's split up and search." You followed the group out the door, but you couldn't help but feel as if the monkey was watching you.

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