Whose Funeral?

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Before long the rock began to descend back towards Earth and you peaked over the edge of it, "Oh, lucky us! Looks like we're going to land in the ocean!"

Joseph peaked over as well, "So I'm not going to die here?!"

You lightly patted his shoulder, "Don't be silly! Even if we were to end up on land I would've found a way to protect you somehow."

Joseph pulled you into a tight hug while nuzzling his head against your chest. "Of course! Of course!" He let out a laugh, probably the first happy one in a while. And then the rock landed in the ocean with quite a bit of force, luckily it stayed pretty much intact and for some reason floated, so the two of you didn't need to swim for who knows how long.

Now the two of you were floating along the ocean. You were currently looking around the vast blueness while Joseph laid flat on his back. He let out a groan as his hand covered his face, "Gah! I'm so hungry! And everything hurts!"

You glanced at him worriedly, "I can try and catch some fish for you or something, but we won't be able to cook it. I mean we could just eat it raw, but..."

He sighed, "No it's fine. I'm not really that hungry. I just want to complain. Thanks for being here, (Y/N)."

You swatted the air with your hand, "No problem, JoJo. Not sure where else I'd go anyways. And honestly, everyone probably thinks that you're dead. Maybe they also think I'm dead. It's kind of odd that no one has tried to bring me to them. At least then I'd be able to bring some people out to pick you up." Out of the corner of your eye you saw something floating on the water, "Oh my gosh! JoJo! There's a boat!"

He quickly sat up and looked in the same direction as you. The two of you began shouting and waving your limbs to grab their attention. Eventually the boat came over and there seemed to be only one person on it.

"Oh my! Are you two alright?! You look like you've been through hell and back!" Shouted the person on the boat.

Joseph gave a light laugh, "Yeah, pretty much. Can we maybe get on your boat to the nearest body of land?"

"Of course! Hop right in! I'm a fisherman from Venezia, so I hope you don't mind the smell of fish too much. I'll bring you guys to my home land as soon as possible."

You gave sincere thanks as you helped Joseph into the boat. A short time passed before you arrived at land. You thanked the fisherman once more as you and Joseph shuffled down the streets to the place you and your companions had stayed during their training. To your surprise, everyone seemed to be gone except for Susie who immediately rushed towards the two of you with tears in her eyes.

"JoJo! (Y/N)! You're alive!" She got a better look at Joseph's current state, "Oh, no! You shouldn't be moving around right now, JoJo! (Y/N), help me take him to one of the beds, I'll nurse him back to full health!"

For a few months, Susie Q was constantly at Joseph's side. You checked in on him every so often, but for the most part, you were making some calls and working out the details of Joseph's new hand. It was a bit difficult due to the war starting, but you pulled a few strings.

With all the time Susie and Joseph spent together, you weren't all that surprised when he expressed to you that he wished to pursue a relationship with her. What did surprise you was that he wanted to commit to one person and marry her. He didn't really seem like the type, but perhaps you had misjudged him. You were one of the only people who attended the wedding, but it was a happy experience all the same.

Once six months had passed since the Kars incident, the three of you headed to New York to see your friends and family. You were a bit sad that none of them came to greet you but you were told that they were all at a funeral.

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