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Instead of stopping to respond to you, Joseph grabbed your wrist that was holding the bottle and dragged you along with them. The three of you stopped running when you felt that you had run far enough. They panted lightly and Joseph grabbed the coke bottle from your hand, popped the cap off, and drank it down quickly.

When almost all of it is gone he looked to you, "Do you want the rest?"

You just stared at the barely not empty bottle and regretted offering it in the first place, "No, it's fine."

He pointed to your (f/c) parasol, "What's with the umbrella and scarf?" He moved his gaze to the sky, "It's pretty hot out and I doubt it'll rain today."

"I get sunburned easily, it's just a precaution."

"Maybe you shouldn't be going outside then." He looked back at the direction the three of you had ran from, "You're not going to tell anyone about what happened, right?"

You swatted the air with your unoccupied hand, "Of course not, they deserved it anyways."

Joseph gave you a cheeky grin, "Yeah, they did, huh."

The kid who had stolen his wallet spoke up, "I owe you big time. My name's smokey. What's yours?"

"Joestar. Joseph Joestar." He brought his hand to his head like a cool looking facepalm. "You can call me JoJo."

Both of them turned to you, expecting that you'd introduce yourself as well. You cleared your throat with a soft cough, "My name is (Y/N). (Y/N) Speedwagon."

Joseph's eyes widened and he spat out some cola. He wiped the dribble from his mouth. "Speedwagon? How are you related to the old man?"

You put a hand to your chest, "I'm his granddaughter."

He pointed a finger at you threateningly, "What are you talking about?! Speedwagon never even married or had children, how could you exist?"

You moved your hand as if to wave away his accusatory tone, "I'm not related by blood or anything, I was just adopted into his family. In the eyes of the government I'm his granddaughter."

"Then why haven't I heard of you before? You look about the same age as me, surely he'd have mentioned you!"

"Well, for the most part I live undercover. It won't do him any good if someone tries to kidnap me for a ransom or something. I usually go by the alias (Y/N) (L/N), but I understand that your grandmother is a good friend of my grandfather. He invited you here but he's away on a trip for now, although it is taking a bit longer than he thought. I'm here to watch over you for the time being."

He relaxed sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, "I see, sorry about that (Y/N)."

"Don't worry about it, Joseph. I can understand why you'd be cautious."

He put an arm around your shoulder as he led you and Smokey to where he and Erina were staying at. "Like I said earlier, call me JoJo. When you say Joseph it makes it sound like I'm in trouble or something. "

When you arrived, Joseph invited you inside. Erina was drinking from a porcelain cup and almost choked on the warm drink and dropped the cup when she saw you walk in behind her grandson.


You waved awkwardly to your old friend. Joseph looked back and forth between the two of you and then pointed at you while he spoke to Erina, "You already know about her?!" His hands ruffled through his hair, "Dang it! I was hoping to surprise you! How do you know about her?"

The old woman looked at you, a hint of sadness in her eyes when she saw you still looked the same as ever. She turned to Joseph as she talked to him, "Speedwagon is a great friend of mine, of course he'd tell me of his granddaughter." She looked to you again, "I suppose if you're here, he's still on his trip."

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