No, That's Not What I Want

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Kars looked you up and down with an eyebrow raised, "You know... you should've just asked if you wanted to engage in intercou-" You cut him off by grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. "Oh, the monkey I informed you about. It certainly seems above its species' average intelligence. How curious..."

"Kars, can you, I don't know, maybe do something about it?" You asked the ultimate being, becoming quite annoyed with his behavior.

At the sound of you speaking, Anne became a bit worried and spoke from the other side of the wall, "(Y/N), who are you talking to? Are you alright?"

The monkey took a step towards you and you could hear the sound of the shower in the stall next door turning off. You didn't want to alarm Anne, but you could now say for certain the monkey knew she was there. Kars bone blade emerged from his forearm, and he was ready to deal with the situation quickly. The monkey let out a roar, but it stopped as a lock was slammed into its head by Jotaro.

"Hey!" Shouted the Kujo as the monkey began to run away, "Here's your lock!" He chucked the hunk of metal at its head and it grabbed Jotaro by the front of his shirt. "This ape... is no ordinary ape. Could it be that he's..." The orangutan went in for a kick and Star Platinum stopped it. A fan then broke off and spun at a high speed towards Jotaro.

You glared at Kars and he begrudgingly moved to slice the fan apart before it could dig into Jotaro's shoulder. You were surprised when it suddenly moved out of the way, dodging your stand's attack and piercing through the wall near your head. You spoke to the Kujo, "I-I think the monkey is certainly the one that removed the fan. It must have something to do with his Stand..."

Jotaro narrowed his eyes at the monkey, "But why can't we see the Stand?" The fan bent a bit, moved out of the wall, and smacked the Kujo in the face before you could warn him. The force of the blow broke down the door and flung him out of the room. The monkey leaped after him.

"W-What's going on?! Why was the monkey here?" Questioned Anne who was peeking from the edge of the curtain.

You crouched down to be on her level, "The monkey is an enemy. Right now JoJo is fighting him. I'm not sure how well he's going to do on his own so I'm going to help him. You stay here, okay?" She nodded vigorously but her body was still shaking in fear. You wrapped your towel tighter around yourself and exited the room to see the monkey disappearing into the wall.

"What's with this thing?" Asked Jotaro. "The ape sank into the wall!" He tilted his head to look at you, "(Y/N), you saw that, right?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I did..."

He adverted his gaze and tilted the brim of his hat to cover his eyes, "Stay close to me, okay?" Hesitantly, you moved a bit closer to him. He then looked to your Stand, "Hey, check for the location of the monkey."

Kars scoffed, "No. I don't take orders from you, or anyone, for that matter." The ultimate being turned to you, "(Y/N), I say we just leave him. Also, put some clothes on, I'm not keen on letting him see you like this." His finger moved to graze over the edge of your towel, but his wrist was grabbed tightly by Star Platinum. You, of course, also felt the grip on your wrist.

"Just put your Stand away, (Y/N). It's obviously not going to be of much use right now." Spoke Jotaro and you complied. With Kars gone, he put a hand on your shoulder as he glanced around the hall, waiting for something bad to happen. You moved your thumb close to your mouth, ready to rely on some of your older methods of combat. "When I made contact with the propeller I felt a Stand's energy coming from it. But for some reason I can't see the Stand."

"Wait..." You mumbled as the gears in your brain turned. "I think we can see the Stand. Based on what we've seen of its abilities so far, it might just be the entire ship!" There was a loud crashing sound and pipes suddenly wrapped around Jotaro and pulled him against the wall.

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