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You, Joseph, and Jotaro stood outside amidst the desert, watching the rays of light peak through along the horizon, bathing the Earth in its warm glow. In front of you laid the body of Dio Brando in an unzipped body bag. The moment the sunlight hit him, every bit of him was reduced to ash, including his strange apparel.

"Now its over." Spoke Joseph, "So many people lent something to Dio. Many people for the last hundred years. They lent him everything."

You nodded along solemnly, "Most of which can never be returned. Too many things and people that we couldn't possibly hope to replace."

"But it's because of them that the rest of us live." Mumbled Joseph, "Avdol and... Caesar..."

Jotaro gazed into the distance, searching for their friendly faces amidst the morning sky, "It's finally over."

A pair of strong arms embraced you from behind, settling around your waist. You leaned back into their hold, yearning for comfort in a time such as this. But Jotaro was right, at least all of this was-

You turned around to look at who was holding you, expecting to be met with the stoic face of the dark haired high school student. However, the blonde hair, red eyes, and lips stained with green lipstick were tell enough that this wasn't the case. As you took in more of your surroundings, you noticed something else that was peculiar. Everything around you had seemed to stop its motion entirely.

Not Jotaro, though, who immediately used his time stop to have Star Platinum try and slam his fist into Dio's smirking face. The vampire's hands moved quickly to absorb most of the blow, but you felt a sudden pain in the same spot.

"What?! H-How are you...?" You tried to speak, but you were too shocked to properly formulate a sentence.

Dio gave a thoughtful hum as he took a small leap away from Jotaro, "Well, I know how your Stand works, remember? Or at least as much as the little spider told me. One, only if the owner of the item willingly gave it to you while alive can it be used. Two, the previous owner of said item must be dead. The scarf of mine that I gave by tying around your wrists now checks both boxes."

"But, when-"

Dio cut you off, "I pocketed the scarf during the moment I stopped time when leaving for my study, just in case. When you moved to punch me with your Stand just before my... defeat... I stopped time for just a split second to take the liberty of placing it within your Stand. And now we have arrived at our current predicament. Do you understand, my darling (Y/N)?"

"You bastard!" Shouted Jotaro who went in for another attack, only to freeze mid stride as his stopped time seconds ran out.

Dio laughed maniacally, "You fools! Now I have another chance to finish the Joestar bloodline!" He looked around himself, apparently confused, "Huh... It appears that although The World's ability to stop time is still accessible by me, I cannot bring out the Stand itself..." He scoffed and waved his hand through the air, "No matter. I shall make due with what I have." He went to strike the frozen Jotaro only to fade away.

You let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding as time began to flow normally, "God damn it. He's so persistent." You started to rub your temples, attempting to dissipate the growing headache, "He's going to be a pain to repress..."

Joseph cocked his head to the side, "Who are you talking about?"

Jotaro spat onto the ground, "Dio. Dio's become her Stand."

Joseph looked terrified, "Oh, my god! Then what do we do now?!"

You shook your head, "I honestly don't know. Unlike Wamuu who was pretty alright to begin with or Kars who had fifty years in space to think over his actions, Dio only died a few hours ago."

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