All of you were panting after having rushed into the makeshift shelter. You were pushed into the very back, as far away from the sun's rays as was physically possible at the moment. The water had been destroyed and had already evaporated, most of the camels were dead and decomposing quickly, and the temperature was only increasing.
You put a hand on Kakyoin's shoulder, being careful to not touch his wounds, "Are you alright, Noriaki?"
He glanced back at you, "Yes. I was in the middle of using Emerald Splash. That guarded me, so I'm not badly hurt. B-But more importantly, it's hot... I feel like I'm going to go crazy."
"The attack was perfectly aimed." Spoke Polnareff, "That means the enemy is definitely watching us. Where are they?! Where's the enemy?"
Caesar made a shooing motion towards the French man, "Don't talk so loud. The enemy will find us if they haven't already."
Joseph joined in, "Let's just calm down, sit tight, and see what happens." He pulled out his canteen and began to untwist the cap only to see a gaping hole in the center. "Oh, shit!" He then chucked it into the sand.
Everyone was beginning to have even more trouble with their breathing as the heat got even worse. Sweat dripped from everyone's faces like salty waterfalls. There couldn't be that many places for someone to hide, and you could probably spot them out, but you couldn't exactly see very well with the five men in front of you.
"Jotaro!" Called out Joseph while extending his hand towards his grandson. The high schooler handed over the binoculars and Joseph peaked through them into the sandy abyss. The moment he tried, a flaming rock hit the binoculars, breaking it. The Joestar slammed his fists into the ground, "Son of a bitch! Where the hell are you?! How are you watching us? Is the enemy invisible or something?!"
You rubbed your forehead, all this heat was giving you a serious headache. You decided to bring out your stand, maybe Wamuu could cool you all down with some wind or something. But it wasn't Wamuu, it was Kars. It was then you realized your hat was missing and that your ring was around your finger again. Your Stand had switched without your permission. How long ago had this happened?
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Kakyoin. "Heh. He he he he he he he he... He he hee heh heh ha ha ha hah hah hah hah ha ha!! Hee hee... Hee ke ke ke ha haha!! Ho ho haha hoho ha!! Haaaahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaahaa!!"
Joseph grabbed his arm, "Hey, Kakyoin, what's wrong?"
He was laughing like a maniac. Was something wrong with him? Had the heat finally gotten to his brain and made him go insane? You whispered to your Stand, "Kars, can you check the area for the Stand user?"
He rested his chin on your shoulder, whispering back, "Already did. The heat makes it difficult but there is one spot nearby that is a bit cooler than the rest. Air conditioning, perhaps." You relaxed a bit realizing that Kakyoin must be laughing because he saw where the user was, not because he was going crazy. Perhaps under normal circumstances you wouldn't have joined in, but Kakyoin's odd series of hoos and hees, as well as the heat making you a bit delirious, was enough to get you doubling over in laughter. You were laughing so hard that you had to use Kars as support yourself so you wouldn't fall.
Joseph turned to look back at you, "(Y/N), w-what happened? And why is Kars out?! Are you okay?" That's when Jotaro saw as well. His laughter was borderline creepy. And he began cackling alongside you and Kakyoin. "J-Jotaro? You, too?!" Polnareff at first seemed to be trying to hold himself back, but he couldn't help it. Caesar's eyes landed on the source of hilarity leading yet another member of the crew to appear insane. Joseph had yet to understand, "P-Polnareff?! Even you, Caesar?! Oh, my god!" His hand gripped the top of his hat tightly and Kars decided to include himself in the fun just to unnerve the Joestar even more. "E-Everyone's finally lost it because of the heat. I'm the only one left who's sane." He grabbed his grandson by the collar, "Hey, Jotaro, calm down! Get a hold of yourself! The best way to win when the going gets rough is to stay calm!"

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader