The water seemed to hesitate for a moment, unsure of where to go. In that moment of uncertainty, Joseph brought out Hermit Purple and grabbed Polnareff and Kakyoin to get them on the car with them. It then changed its course and sped on towards you. Your companions all let out frightened gasps except for Caesar, who had covered his mouth to repress the noise. The water dove upwards and pierced through your hand before going back into the Sand. Apparently you weren't what it was looking for.
You stared at the others through the quarter sized hole in the palm of your hand as the wound began to heal itself. You left it open though, in case you needed it. The others were worried, of course, but they knew that you would be fine and decided to turn their attention back to the injured Kakyoin. Then you saw Iggy leap out the window of the car just as it began to sink into the Sand.
"What?!" Exclaimed Joseph.
Jotaro held on tightly to the edge of the car, "The tires are in the water! Shit! It's no use! We're being pulled in!"
"We're gonna sink!" Shouted Avdol.
"Move farther back!" Joseph ushered everyone to what was currently the highest point of the car.
"Helper! Come on! Damn it! Help already!" Shouted Polnareff at Iggy.
You motioned at Caesar for him to stay in place while you began to creep towards the sinking car. The dog spared you a glance of mild interest before it yawned and closed its eyes. You weren't entirely certain on what to do in this situation. You wanted to help, but the moment you got any of them off the car, they'd be attacked.
The front tires were then cut off by the water and the rest of the car teetered down. Kars caught Polnareff who was holding Kakyoin while your blood made sure the other two had a safe descent. You all watched as the water sank back into the ground.
"Everyone, don't move!" Shouted Avdol through Stand telepathy. "Don't make a sound!"
Despite his words, you let out a sigh of relief a bit too early. You realized your mistake, though, as the water wrapped around your ankles and pulled you down into the sand. The last thing you heard was your companions shouting your name before your vision was shrouded in darkness.
You weren't entirely certain which direction you were going, but it certainly felt as though it were quite far away. You lungs had been scratched up a bit from when you first partook in your habit of breathing while under the sand's surface. Your skin stung greatly as you moved through it all. Then, almost as quick as it began, you were pulled up and out of the ground.
The sand was removed from your lungs in a fit of coughs. And you were certainly startled when you felt someone patting your back to help you. You shifted your gaze to look at who you assumed was the enemy.
The man was admittedly attractive, with unkempt dark hair only slightly restrained by an orangish headband. Stuck into the ground was a cane with the handle kept close to his ear. When he opened his eyes, you saw they were a clouded grey and realized this man might be blind.
"Yes. That's right." He seemed to have correctly guessed what you were thinking. His smooth voice matching his appearance. You began to bring out Kars, but the man stopped you, "I've already sent Geb back to your companions, so I wouldn't try anything unless you no longer care for their lives."
Your body tensed up as his hand touch your cheek. You at first wondered if he was going to feel your face to assume your appearance, but he was actually just wiping off the leftover sand. You were being careful to not make any alarming your sudden movements that would lead him to immediately kill someone. You weren't so sure if the others would be able to find you, but Iggy might be able to.

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader