Joseph was watching from the doorway while you pricked your finger with a dagger from your boot and your blood dropped onto the map. He watched as the blood moved along the paper, not even leaving a trail behind it before it stopped and returned to your wound. He knew you were hiding something, but now that he had a semblance of an idea he wasn't sure how to feel about it. He quickly moved away from the door frame as you moved to leave the room.
You exited the room to see Joseph leaning against a wall, whistling inconspicuously. You raised an eyebrow at him and he adverted eye contact. His behavior was odd and you realized he was likely watching the whole map thing. You let out a brief sigh, you knew he'd likely figure it out eventually due to the battle that would probably happen with Straizo.
"So, you saw, right?"
Joseph laughed nervously, "I don't know what you're talking about..."
You moved your fingers through the hair in your scalp, not exactly sure what you should and shouldn't say involving your ability. "I...I can control blood."
Joseph's eyes widened, "So that's why your blood droplet was moving?"
You nodded, "Yeah, sort of."
"Sort of?"
"Well, I gave Speedwagon a small vial of my blood and I can track it."
His face scrunched up in confusion but he shook it away, "Okay, but how did you get this ability?" Joseph put his hands on your shoulders and shook you rather violently, "Don't tell me Speedwagon has been experimenting on you!" He turned away from you and he ruffled his hair, "Oh my god! It makes so much sense! This is why he never told anyone about you! He adopted a stranger into his family so he could experiment without repercussions!" He quickly faced you again and put one hand on your shoulder with the other on his chest. "Don't worry (Y/N), I won't allow Speedwagon to hurt you anymore."
It was your turn to look confused, "What?! That's not at all what happened. I had the ability before I became a part of his family."
His hands were holding yours now, swinging them back and forth, "How'd you get it then?"
"It's...a long story."
His movement suddenly stopped and he stared into your eyes, a serious look on his face with a hint of sadness from the fact that you decided to withhold information. "Okay..." At that moment Smokey walked over to the two of you and Joseph waved him over. "Oh yeah, Smokey and I are going to go to Irenes Cafe later, do want to join us?"
"Uh yeah, sure."
So the three of you went to the cafe located on the corner of a street. Joseph had picked up a magazine at some point which he was flipping through. He sat across from Smokey while your seat faced the window, giving you a view of the night.
"Hey, Smokey. Chilly today, isn't it? Take a look at this magazine."
Smokey took the magazine from the Joestar, "What is it?"
You glanced at the page he was on and saw it was an ad for padded bras. You sighed internally.
Joseph proceeded to grope his invisible bosom. "Do you think it can really make them bigger?"
"What's this? 'Go from an AA cup to a C cup.' It's a bunch of snake oil. Don't buy into it."
You placed your finger on the ad, "They're padded bras, they'll just make it look bigger." You looked up from the table and out the window seeing a familiar faced that appeared just as surprised as you were to see each other.
Joseph picked up the magazine and rotated it in his hands, "Ah, I see. Then $1.25 seems too much for something like that."
You stood up from your seat causing the Joseph and Smokey to look at you, "I'm just going to get some fresh air."

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader