No Weakness? Sure...

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The yellow goo wiggled along his shoulders leaving the guy only in a pair of purple pants, "Come on, Jotaro, my buddy! Take a look at your hand." Said the man while pointing to his own. "There's a little bit of me there from when you hit me." Which was true, a tiny bit of yellow goo resided on the Kujo's pinky, "Let me warn you. If you touch that, it'll go after your left hand, too. Go ahead and pick your nose with that left hand! This is a Stand that devours things slowly... The more it eats the bigger it gets. You'll never get it off!"

Jotaro was angry now, "You... Come on!" Star Platinum appeared and went in for a punch.

The man had his arms out as if welcoming the attack, "Whaddya mean, Come on?! While I'm digesting you, I'll be sure to stuff your mouth with your own shit!"

The goo shot out towards Star Platinum but you were quick to bring out your own Stand, making Kars take the brunt of the attack. The goo wriggled along his arm and you felt a sudden burning sensation along your own. You realized having Kars take the attack might not have been the best idea, as Kars' skin was dissolving to reveal the usual blue of your Stand underneath. Although you figured any pain you suffered was better than having the others feel it.

The guy tilted his head to the side, "Hey, you weren't supposed to just jump in. I get paid less the more hurt you are, you know..."

You furrowed your brows,  "What? Then why the hell did you push me over the railing?"

He laughed, "Well, Dio understands that you wouldn't come willingly. So we're allowed some wiggle room. I wasn't going to let you fall, though. I would've caught you if Star Platinum hadn't. Not that you'd actually be injured from a fall like that. We're also not supposed to make any sexual advances. I heard some guys talked about something like that near Dio himself and they were killed. Don't know if it's true, though..."

Jotaro glared at the man, "You bastard..." He then grabbed your arm and smashed through the cable car. He jumped towards a nearby cylinder of concrete that held up the cable car system. You glanced to Kars to ask if he could transform into a bird or something, but you could see he had already tried to do that. Only the arm that hadn't been affected had taken the shape of a wing. And lopsided flying wouldn't be all that useful.

Luckily, before either of you could fall, Star Platinum grabbed the edge. The Stand helped pull Jotaro up and in turn you. Kars seemed almost annoyed with himself. He was grumbling something about not being able to move his arm.

The enemy Stand user spoke from his position in the broken cable car. "Oh? You think you've gotten away? Then I better tell you. Get a straw, suck out all the funk in your ears, and listen up. My Stand, Yellow Temperance, has no weakness. It's not that you ran away. It's just that I don't have to chase you, you little shit!" The guy kept laughing as his car moved farther away.

Kars rolled his eyes as he leaned on your shoulder, "Humans like him are so infuriating..."

You have a brief sigh, "Yeah, I have to agree with you on that." Jotaro gave a grunt in response. You then gently grabbed Jotaro's wrist to better inspect the yellow goo, "JoJo, if his Stand really has no weakness, we may have to cut off your finger..."

His other hand went to your own, lingering for a bit before plucking your hand away, "I know, and I'm ready to do it, if necessary. I'll try getting rid of the goo first." He pulled out a lighter, "It'll burn me too, but I guess I'll burn it to death."

Your eyes widened, not liking the idea at all, "W-Wait that's-"

But he was already lowering the lit lighter to the goo. He winced as the flames burnt his skin. "This... it just made it spread! Heating it is a bad idea." He looked at the next cable car passing by and saw a kid licking a blue popsicle.

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