Joseph swerved the plane towards the volcano. Speedwagon continued speaking through the radio, desperate to not have Jonathan's grandson subjected to the same fate of the Joestars before him. "Stop, JoJo! If not for me, for Lisa Lisa! Lisa Lisa is your mother!"
The connection was kind of finicky so it mostly came out as gibberish. "What was that? What did you say?!" Questioned Joseph.
You then felt pieces of the plane's ceiling falling onto your head accompanied by the sound of something scratching against metal. "Um, JoJo. I believe we may not have been as safe as we thought at this distance."
Joseph glanced around, "What's causing the sound?"
A fish began to fall towards Joseph but you caught it before it bit into his shoulder. It wiggled around but it didn't do much more then that while within your hold. "I think they're piranhas."
His eyes widened at the sight of the flesh eating fish, "This is insane!" More began to fall from the ceiling and began biting there way through everything, "What the hell?! They're devouring the plane! How'd they get in?!"
You began tossing the fish out the broken window while keeping a hold on one parachute. The other was already littered with holes. "It must be from his feather shell things. If he can really have the abilities of all lifeforms it's not too much of a stretch for him to be able to do something like this. Although, for some reason they're not trying to eat me."
"That's nice and all, but they got one of the parachutes!" Shouted Joseph, freaking out from the current situation. There was a brief silence as something happened. "What now?!"
You stuck your head out the window to see several pink tentacles wrapped around the propellers of the plane. "Yeah, um, this isn't good. I guess some of the feathers turned into an octopus." You stuck your head back inside and moved Joseph away from the front of the plane, using yourself as a shield from the explosion. You let out a short pained gasp as the force of the blow hit you. Joseph just stared at you wide eyed while you attempted a comforting smile.
"(Y/N)! JoJo!" Shouted Speedwagon from the radio. "What's wrong? Come in!"
The two of you ignored Speedwagon, as you were a bit busy at the moment. Joseph tossed you a parachute, "Quick (Y/N)! Jump out!"
You stared at him, confused. "What?! Why should I jump out? I can survive a crash like this, you can't!" You paused for a moment realizing what a slow falling person would actually cause, "Unless you want me to play decoy?"
Joseph gave you a wink and a thumbs up while removing your hat and replacing it with his own, "Exactly, now off you go! I'm sorry if you get hurt from it, but I'm going to try and crash into him when he investigates the falling person."
You put your arms through the straps of the parachute, "Don't worry about it," you gave a determined smile, "I'll heal. Stay safe, okay? Or at least as safe as you can be in a situation like this." You have one last wave before jumping out.
You quickly pulled the pin allowing for the parachute to be deployed. The parachute slowed your descent greatly and gave the feeling as though you were being lifted by your shoulders. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see the rather terrifying form of Kars swooping towards you. One of the claws on tips of his wings extended toward you as he went in for a kill.
It stopped mere centimeters away from your face, "What?! (Y/N)?!"
You maintained eye contact with him, "Oh, hey Kars. Nice weather we're having, right?"
Kars let out an angry growl, "JoJo had you play the decoy?!" He quickly glanced behind him to see Joseph flying the plane right towards him.
"Kars, I'm not going down without a fight! I'm taking you into that volcano with me!" Shouted Joseph.

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader