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Only a week now remained till the fight with Wamuu. You carried a smallish box as you walked outside to join the rest of your companions. Inside were several vials of your blood. You planned to hand them out before Joseph and Caesar partook in their final Hamon test.

When you joined the others, you found Lisa was talking, "The mask was created by the most intelligent among them, Kars." You nodded along, you had figured he was the smartest of the bunch. Caesar and Joseph gasped in surprise. "In search of the super Aja, Kars took Wamuu and Esidisi and crossed the Atlantic." She then looked at the blonde woman standing not so far away. "Susie Q."

Susie stepped forward, holding a purple pillow with a red gem resting on it. "Yes, Madam Lisa Lisa, here it is."

"Thank you." She then took the pillow off the cushion and held it so the rest of you could see it and you now realized it was attached to a silver chain. "In my hand is a perfectly flawless, natural crystal. The super Aja!"

You, Caesar, and Joseph looked at the stone in awe. The male Joestar spoke, "So it was you who had the Red Stone of Aja?!"

She then held the gem up into the light and it conducted it into a single laser beam of sunlight. You shook your head to rid yourself of the creeping memories of Space Ripper Stingy Eyes. You hadn't intended on backing away, but Caesar pulled you by your scarf as he jumped back. He would've pulled you by the hand, but you were holding something.

When the smoke cleared, a tiny crater had appeared in the floor and Lisa continued speaking. "The Pillar Men wiped out the warriors of Hamon. But this stone narrowly escaped them, and now I carry on the role of the Stone's guardian."

You stared intently at the stone. The creatures that had brought so much tragedy to the lives of others as well as your own wanted it. This rather simple stone could greatly increase their power, it was dangerous.

"Destroy it." Ordered Joseph, and you were honestly thinking the same thing. If we destroyed it, the Pillar Men would be unable to increase their power and conquer the sun. "Destroy the Red Stone! Turn that thing into dust and let 'em cry like babies!"

Lisa adverted her gaze from Joseph, "I cannot."

"Why not?!" Questioned the young Joestar.

"Legend says they cannot be defeated without the Stone."

You eyebrows furrowed your brows in annoyance, "Of course that's the case..."

"Why the hell not?!" Asked Joseph.

She fully turned her back to you and the others, now gazing into the water, "I have no answer. But I must carry out my duty to protect it at all costs. JoJo, Caesar...You will soon begin your final trial."

"A-A final trial?!" Shouted the two males in sync.

"Caesar, you must defeat Messina. JoJo, you must defeat Loggins." She then looked at you. "I understand you have something to give them, right?"

You nodded and set the box down on a nearby table. Joseph and Caesar moved next to you, watching curiously. You opened the box and took out two of the vials. "These are for you in case you need me. The Pillar Men are in search of the stone, and they may show up here before long. I will do my best to protect you, but the most I'll probably be able to do is take a hit or two."

They hesitantly took a vial and pocketed it. They whole blood thing was still kind of weird and they weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing you into their fights.

You glanced towards Lisa, "Would you like one as well? Messina and Loggins have already received one of their own." You extended a vial towards her which she stared at before slowly taking.

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