Hol Horse gave a dry chuckle as he stared at Avdol's body, "He's got such a strong face, and yet he died in an instant." The cigarette he had been smoking fell from his lips onto the ground. He crushed it into the dirt with his boot, "Well, the end of someone's life is usually a pretty sudden curtain call. It's probably normal to die without being able to say goodbye. It may seem as though I'm talking as though I know everything, but..."
Polnareff wiped his tears away with a swift movement from his arm. His anger was evident as he stomped towards the one who had shot Avdol.
Kakyoin stood up, "Polnareff! Please, don't let him get to you! Do you still not understand? Mr. Avdol told you not to fight by yourself! And you ignored that... You wanted to get revenge, even if it meant dying with your enemy. Mr. Avdol and (Y/N) followed you because that worried them, and this is what happened!"
Polnareff grit his teeth, "So what am I suppose to do?"
You folded your arms across your chest, "We need to fall back, for now at least."
Polnareff stood still, "Avdol was cruelly stabbed in the back. My sister was killed without resistance. You want me to hold these regrets inside and run away?!"
You shook your head, fighting back the tears of your own, "No, not run away, a tactical retreat. We still don't know enough about their Stands to fight them."
"She's right. Don't jump into a fight where you'll die! That's what Mr. Avdol was trying to tell you." Spoke Kakyoin, trying his best to stop the French man from making any rash decisions.
Hol Horse tried to fuel Polnareff's anger. He waved him over, "Hey! Come on, l'il Pol Pol."
Polnareff's fist tightened as he glared at the cowboy-like man. His whole body shook with rage, "Why, you..."
He stopped shaking so much when wrapped your arms around him from behind. You rested your forehead on his back as you spoke to him, "Jean, I know full well how much this pains you, but I beg of you, please do not charge into this fight. There's a truck behind us we can use, but know that we will fight them. You will avenge your sister. Just not right now."
He calmed down and started taking deep and slow breathes. He closed his eyes, "A-Alright..."
"Hey, Polnareff." The two of you looked at the window of a building to see the Hanged Man on the ground, almost crawling towards him. "Avdol died for you."
You glared at the reflection of the Stand, this thing decided to just show up and ruin all your hard work of convincing Polnareff to leave things be. Polnareff looked around frantically, hoping for a glance of the Stand in the real world.
"I think that means you owe him." Continued the enemy Stand, "He might not have died, if not for you."
"Y-You bastard." Growled Polnareff. "Where's your real body?!" Your hold on him tightened, urging him to calm down.
The Hanged Man moved behind you and the French man in the reflection of the window, "But there's no need to be so sad. Actually, you should be happy... Since you'll be together again soon." A blade unsheathed itself from the Stand's wrist, moving dangerously close to Polnareff's neck. "You'll die, and then you can be with those two fools in the next world. Your little sister was really cute, Polnareff... Once you're reunited with your sister, you should ask exactly how I killed her!"
"Don't listen to him, Jean.... please..." An invisible hand then gripped your throat with enough force to silence you. You half wondered if you should have Kars slice your head off just to get out of its grip.

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader