To Battle!

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Jonathan took a step forward but a muscular man with light hair put a hand on his shoulder essentially stopping your friend in his tracks. Jonathan turned his head to see who it was.


"JoJo, stand aside. I have the right to satisfy my anger first. Zeppeli was a companion through two decades of harsh training. Dio, I will send you straight to the bowels of hell!"

"Wait! He has hidden abilities you don't know about!"

You realized this man must be a Hamon user, "Be careful! Dio can free-" A zombie's hand covered your mouth, muffling your shouts.

The man walked began walking in such a way that it created an odd afterimage of sorts.

Dio commented on it, "What an interesting walk." Dire began to jump slowly. "With enough training, humans are able to make themselves float on air. But in just one night, I have gained power beyond any human guru!"

You watched as the man began to slowly kick Dio. He must have some sort of plan, because anyone could easily dodge a kick like that. If he just went with that, Dio would freeze him for sure.

"You think you can beat me with such sloppy movements?!"

Dio separated the man's legs. The man begun gathering Hamon in his arms. You realized what he was going for, but Dio could freeze him in no time at all. You bit your lip and let the blood drip out before sharpening it and severing the zombie's hand.

"You fell for it, fool!"

"Move back! He'll freeze your blood!"

The man paid no heed to your words and continued with his attack, "Thunder Cross Split Attack!"

"Incredible! By crossing his arms he can attack while keeping his guard up! It's a perfect stratagem!"

"No fighter has escaped it."

You heard the sound of Speedwagon's voice and turned you head to see him better. When had he showed up? You were relieved to see him alive, but what could he do in a battle like this? You saw Zeppeli's hat on his head. You couldn't help but feel that maybe if you had been there he could still be alive. You noticed a man with long dark hair was standing next to your friend. His apparel was similar to Dire's so he was likely a hamon user as well.

"The attack won't do any good if you can't use your Hamon! Back away!"

Speedwagon saw you as well. He was surprised to see you being held by zombies. One was scrambling on the floor for a severed hand. Blood was dripping from your mouth. Had you become a vampire and drank blood? He noticed the blood move to the scarf that bound your arms. It moved as if alive and untied your wrists then dropped the cloth to the ground. You began shoving the zombies away.


"Muda! Muda! Muda! Mudaa!"

"I-I can't move!"

"He's been flash frozen!" In your anger you bashed in a zombie's head. If only you could break free of their hold faster. Everytime one zombie went down another took its place. "Dio vaporized the moisture in his body, turning him to ice in an instant! Dire can't send Hamon into Dio unless his blood is flowing!"

"Damn it! That's what I was saying!"

Only Dire's head was free of the ice, "Y-you..."

"So feeble! You really should've listened to my darling (Y/N) if you wanted to survive an encounter with me. Such a shame that you put her efforts to waste. You came here just to die like a dog! I'll give them all a good show!"

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