"Let go! Let go of me! You big lug!" Everyone turned to look at the shouting child who was being held by a member of the boat's crew. "Damn it, let me go! Let me go!"
The sailor somewhat struggled to keep a hold on the child, "Shut up! What a little brat!"
You took a few steps towards the two people, "Hey, what's going on? I thought we agreed to no passengers on our boat."
The guy turned to look at you as the kid continued to thrash around, "I'm sorry. It's a stowaway. This brat was hiding in the storage down below."
Joseph rose an eyebrow, "A stowaway?"
The child continued screaming, "Come at me if you're gonna! I'll kick your balls in!"
The sailor picked the kid up by the collar, "I'll turn you into the naval police."
The kid gasped and stopped kicking, "What? The police?!" They took a few steps away from the sailor, "P-Please. Let me go! I just want to go see my dad in Singapore. I'll do anything! You can work me as hard as you want!"
He grabbed the child's cheek as he looked up in thought, "Let's see. What should I do? Should I let you go?" He then started tugging on their ear, "What should I do?" He let go and flicked the child's nose, "I'm not going to let you go after all." The child's eyes began to tear up, "First I'll take you to the captain..."
The kid then bit the guy's arm and dove off the boat. Polnareff ran to the railing, "Woah! He jumped in! Talk about energetic."
Kakyoin sat up, "Is he planning to swim to shore from here?"
Caesar leaned over the edge, "What should we do?"
Jotaro was annoyed by the whole ordeal, "Just leave 'em. I'm sure he dove in because he's a confident swimmer." You noticed a dark shape moving under the child's swimming form.
The sailor was worried now, "Th-This isn't good! Sharks gather around these parts!"
Everyone at the railing was now concerned for the child, but they didn't exactly want to jump into the shark infested waters. You could handle a few sharks though. So you kicked off your shoes and dove in after the child.
"(Y/N), no!" Shouted Polnareff. This got Jotaro's attention and he was now peaking over the railing with everyone else.
You made your way to child right as a fin poked through the surface of the ocean. "Quick kid, move back!"
The child gasped in fright at the sight of a shark and shakily swam towards you. You brought out Kars who made quick work of the shark and turned it into sushi. The kid was now confused and most likely scared, "W-What the...?"
You tried to give the child a comforting smile, "Let's go back to the boat, alright?"
They began to nod when their hat was removed by Kars and tossed into the water. Their hands went to their head, confused on how their hat had just been magically flung off. Her long hair pooled around her.
Kars scoffed, "So it was a girl after all. I thought so..." You and the child began to swim over to the boat.
Joseph gasped, "(Y/N)! Below you! Something's attacking from underwater! It's not a shark! It's really fast! (Y/N)! Hurry!" So you swam faster towards the life saver that someone must have flung into the water. "I-It's too far."
Kakyoin spoke up while bringing his Stand, "If it's at that distance, leave it to me. Hierophant Green!" His Stand gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the water as the life saver was reduced to shreds. You landed safely on the boat, although you were soaked with salt water from head to toe. But hey, at least your shoes were dry.

The Ludicrous Escapade
FanfictionStarting in 19th century England, where will (Y/N)'s ludicrous escapade take her? Based off the animes, but events may be different. Some yandere characters so some scenes may be uncomfortable. x fem! reader