Surprise Attack

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Polnareff led the group to a rather bizarre area. It was quite colorful with various swirling shapes and statues. Your group stood at the bottom of the staircase while the French man was a few steps higher.

Joseph was confused, "W-What is this place?"

Kakyoin, who was well versed in places such as these, answered, "It's Tiger Balm Garden."

Joseph looked around him, still confused, "What?"

You clapped your hands together as your group began to continue following Polnareff up the stairs. "Wow, I've always wanted to go here! Of course, I wish it were under different circumstances, but now is better than never, I suppose."

Kakyoin scooted a bit closer to you and gave a gentle smile, "How about we visit here together someday, just the two of us? Afterwards, we could try some of the local cuisine and enjoy each other's company. After we defeat Dio, of course."

You returned his smile, "Uh, sure Kakyoin. Sounds like a plan." The group stopped walking upon reaching the top of the stairs.

"I will make a prediction here." Spoke Polnareff before turning around to face everyone, "First, Avdol, you will be destroyed by your own Stand's powers." He brought Silver Chariot out behind him.

The Kujo stared intently at the French Man, ready to give him a good beating. "Avdol..."

"Jotaro, you need not interfere." Spoke the Egyptian, "With such an open space, I can control my Stand as freely as I please." He brought out Magician's red and stepped forward.

"Come on!" Shouted Polnareff as Silver Chariot lunged forward with his rapier, going for the first strike. "Come on! Come on! Come on!" The fire Stand dodged the attacks with relative ease, with it's arms still folded across its chest. "What's wrong? You're not going to use your precious flames to your heart's content? If not, I'm going to take my turn. Come on!"

As he continued with his rapier thrusts, Magician's red inhaled deeply and spat out a barrage of fire balls. Silver Chariot swiped at them and shot them at a nearby Statue. Several chunks fell to the ground revealing an almost exact replica of Avdol's Stand. Everyone let out shocked gasps.

Joseph growled angrily, "That bastard. He's mocking us. With repeated stabs, he carved a statue that looks just like Magician's Red."

Polnareff tilted his head to the side in a ridiculing manner, "You know..." he gave a short chuckle, "You fit quite well in this garden, Magician's Red."

You gave a low whistle, earning the French Man's attention, "You should really consider a career change. Instead of working for Dio, you could become a sculptor. The precision of which you cut the stone with is most certainly impressive."

Polnareff gave a sheepish smile and adverted his gaze as he waved away your compliment, "You shouldn't compliment me like that, you know? I've already spent more time talking with you than I should have..."

You rose an eyebrow at his words. Was Dio giving his minions some sort of limit to which they could interact with you? Was he really that concerned about someone just whisking you away?

Avdol narrowed his eyes at Polnareff, angry from some of the French man's earlier words. He rose a hand near his face. Embers seems to flow into his Stand's mouth and Polnareff mumbled something to himself under his breath.

Joseph seemed to know what Avdol was doing and he looked to everyone worriedly, "Hey, hide behind something. Avdol is going to use it." Joseph quickly ran out of harms way with Kakyoin not far behind him. Caesar seemed to have decided to hide in a different direction.

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