It's Just Pasta

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The two of you moved down the stairs to get Speedwagon and inform him of everything you had learned from Stroheim as you removed his restraints. He immediately made arrangements for a plane to take the three of you to Rome.

During the ride, you were reading some books, trying to figure out what you could on the Pillar Men. Joseph was sitting in the seat across from you and kept glancing your way. You could tell he wanted to say something, so you placed your book mark down and met his eyes with yours.

"What is it, JoJo?"

He looked back and forth across the room, "Well, Umm, I'm not sure if you'd want to talk about it now, but are you really not human? You don't have fangs or absorb people when you touch them. Although, I suppose now that I think about it, being able to control your blood is kind of...odd." You removed your scarf from around your neck, revealing the fang marks. "Wh-What?!"

"No, I'm not a vampire. Like you said previously, I don't have fangs. Several years ago, A vampire opened my neck and poured their blood into the wound. They hoped to make me a vampire. I knew Hamon at this time, well enough to do it unintentionally in my sleep. My Hamon filled blood reacted oddly to the vampire's. I am essentially immortal now. The sun doesn't turn me to ashes, but it does sting. I hold no thirst for blood, and my body can no longer conduct Hamon. The vampire that turned me drank my blood, I was able to reclaim most of it, but there is some part of it I cannot call back."

Joseph nodded along, listening carefully to your words. "So, I suppose that is why your Grandfather hid you from the majority of the world. I'm sure vampires and humans alike would want to experiment on you."

"Yes, Speedwagon has always been looking out for me."

The two of you exited the plane after it landed in Rome. It was sunny outside so Joseph took your umbrella, opened it, and held it above your head. His other hand was in his pocket.

He adverted his gaze when you looked at him, "Wouldn't want you to get a sun burn, right?"

You gave him a smile, "Thanks, I appreciate it, JoJo."

He turned away from you, trying to hide the pink now dusting his face. "I heard the restaurant connected to our hotel is quite good. Do you wanna eat there?"

"I'd love to."

So the two of you eventually ended up at a rather fancy establishment. You sat across from each other in a table located roughly in the middle of the room. Joseph ordered a large plate of pasta for the two of you. You chatted during the few minutes of wait time until the waiter brought a plate of black spaghetti.

The Joestar stood from his seat and held the waiter by the collar. "What in the hell is this? You expect me to eat spaghetti with ink in it?!"

"Well signore, this is spaghetti al nero di seppia. The fresh squid ink turns it black signore."

The blonde male seated near the side of the restaurant  watched the spectacle. You didn't really didn't want to attract much attention, so you stood up from your seat to pry Joseph away from the waiter. "Even though Squid ink may not sound appetizing, it's supposed to taste pretty good. Please sit down."

"Huh? Well okay, if you say so (Y/N)." He let go of the waiter who let out a sigh of relief as he rushed out of there. You felt sorry for the guy. Joseph stuck his fork into the pasta and slurped some and his eyes lit up, "Well I'll be... It's amazing! So good!" You chuckled at the black smudging that had formed around his lips, "You have to try some!"

You had your own fork, but he twirled some around his and stuck it in your mouth. "Oh my gosh! That is pretty good!"

"I know, right?!"

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