It's Official

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-One year later-

Santana had his head resting on your lap as he kept solving and then scrambling up a Rubik's cube that you had got him for the fifty one year anniversary of his awakening. He was wearing a pair of black pajamas decorated with tiny rubber duckies. Iggy was curled up next to you on the couch, staring at the flashing screen of your TV tiredly while chewing his coffee gum.

The three of you were having a movie night of sorts. It was supposed to be a horror film, but it was hardly realistic and honestly kind of boring. The sound of the phone woke everyone back up, though. Santana sat up so you could go answer it.

You repressed a yawn as you held the device up to your ear, "Hello?"

"It's done, Miss (L/N). Polnareff Land has finished being built. We're opening up for business next week. You could do a test run of the attractions yourself with a few of your friends, if you'd like." Suggested the SPW member, "It wouldn't be a bother for us at all."

You couldn't believe your ears. The thing that had been slowly eating away at the pockets of the SPW foundation was finally ready! "Y-Yeah! That'd be great! When should I visit?"

"Anytime within the next week is fine, just let us know in advance. Have a good evening." He hung up and it immediately started ringing again.

Before you could even greet the caller you were met with the voice of a very excited French man, "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Guess what! Guess what!"

You had a pretty strong idea of what he could be so ecstatic about, but you didn't want to ruin his fun. "What is it, Jean?"

"P-Polnareff Land is real! It's finished! They said I could even go before it opens! You have to come with me! Well, the others can come too, I guess... But you have to go with me! It's been so long since I've seen you!"

"Of course I'll go with you! What day? Cause I'm free all week, although I have to request that we visit at nighttime."

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds, "I-I'm not sure yet. I think I'll call up everyone else first. But, like, I can't wait! Goodbye, (Y/N)! Love you!" Polnareff hung up his phone and you opted to do the same.

You went over to the living room receiving curious looks from Iggy and Santana who were probably wondering what the excited shouting was about. You took a step in a deep breath, "Okay, everyone. We're going to an amusement park!" Iggy stood up to give a few questioning barks. Having spent a whole year with him, you could understand what he was asking well enough. "Yes, of course they'll let you go."

Santana was still confused, "What... what is this amusement park you speak of? A large funny place?" You took out a few of the images and blueprints that had been sent over the course of the year marking the amusement park's progress. You handed them over the Pillar Man and he looked through them with interest. "Ah, I see. You call all of these thins rides and they are for the human's enjoyment. Are you sure the one called JoJo will be okay with me being there?"

You shoved the photos and blueprints back in there spot, "Well, I would think so. He already knows that I've taken you in and is aware you aren't power hungry or something. Just, um, try not to scare him. These days anything too surprising might make him die of a heart attack." He nodded to show he understood and the rest of the night went on as normal.

A few days later, one of your private SPW jets flew you, Santana, and Iggy out to France where the amusement park was located. Heading into the airport, you looked around the semi crowded building for a sign of any of the others. You were suddenly swept off your feet.

Polnareff laughed boisterously as he spun you in a circle, "Gah! I'm so glad to see you again!" Iggy gave a happy bark as he jumped up and down. Upon feeling the intense gaze of Santana, the French man became rather uncomfortable, "Hey, (Y/N), who's the dude staring at us? You think he's gonna try something? I'll show him a piece of my mind!" He rolled up his nonexistent sleeves and stomped towards Santana. The Pillar Man gave you a confused look, unsure of how to react.

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