Breathe In Breathe Out

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When you told Speedwagon of Hamon, he wanted to help you in anyway possible. You would have asked him to fight with you while you tried to maintain your breathing, however, his arm was still injured. So instead, he asked a few of his friends to train with you. You trained in the ruins of the mansion as well as the nearby stream.

You decided that since you were likely most vulnerable when asleep, it would be beneficial to perform Hamon while sleeping. The best way to do this, in your opinion, would be to sleep in shallow water with Hamon activated so someone could wake you up whenever the ripples stopped. You informed Speedwagon of your idea and he agreed to watch over you.

It was nighttime, so he lit a lamp to brighten the area as you laid in the stream, water rippling away from you as you activated your Hamon. The others who had helped you with training were long gone. He stayed true to his word and never once took a break. Every time the ripples stopped he woke you up gently so you could start again.

After a rather long time of the ripples continuing to form, your head tilted to the side while you slept causing you to wake up while choking on water. Speedwagon rushed next to you and lifted your head out of the stream. He hit your back to help rid your lungs of water.

You wiped your soggy hair away from your face as you leaned into Speedwagon. "Thanks, Speedwagon. Let's stop for the night."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

The two of you moved away from the stream. Speedwagon sat down and leaned against a tree. You could tell he was tired from watching you for the majority of the night, but you appreciated that he didn't complain in the slightest.

You sat down next to him and you were going to just lean against his shoulder, but he brought his hand to your head and moved it so you were now resting on his lap. Even though you clothes were soggy from the stream he didn't care. He gently moved his fingers through your (h/c) locks. Your Hamon warmed your body up as well as his, so neither of you felt cold that night.

Jonathan was certainly surprised to wake up in the hospital wrapped up in bandages. He looked at the woman who was in his room.

"You're through the worst of it. You'll be fine."

"You've been treating me? You...How could you be here? You look like...No never mind. It couldn't be. You really look like her."

"Who do I look like? Erina Pendleton? It's nice to see you, Jonathan Joestar. JoJo..."

"Erina you've really grown!"

"Me? You've grown a lot more! But...It really is nice to see you again."

Erina then fell and Jonathan caught her in his arms. He wasn't sure how he felt about her now that he had met (Y/N). Now that Erina was in front of him could he really say he still loved her?

Erina opened her eyes, "I-I must have fainted. Oh dear! But your arm is broken!"

"I'll always hold you." He said those words, and he found that he meant them.

Once it was morning, Jonathan left the hospital to search the ruins for the mask. When he arrived, he was shocked to see you and Speedwagon sleeping in the shade of the tree. He had to admit he was a bit jealous of Speedwagon when he saw you were sleeping on his lap. He then thought that perhaps it was better that it was Speedwagon and not him. You seemed to fit with him and he still cared for Erina, after all.

He moved closer to the two of you. He noticed Speedwagon was actually awake and was simply enjoying your presence. When he heard the sound of Jonathan's footsteps he looked up, put a finger to his lips, and mouthed for him to be quite. Jonathan nodded, showing he understood. He quietly stepped towards you and sat down on the grass. He noticed the warmth that was radiating off of you and found the steady pace of your breathing to be comforting.

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