Wakey Wakey

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You and Jotaro walked across the small wooden bridge leading to his house. Inside you could hear Holly talking to herself, "Jotaro's totally thinking about me at school right now! I felt like I had a connection with my son just now!"

Jotaro stepped inside the house, still carrying Kakyoin, "I'm not thinking about you." Holly screamed and dropped the picture frame she had been holding. You caught it before it could hit the ground and set it back on the nearby table.

"Jotaro!" Shouted Holly, "W-What about school? And who is that? H-He's covered in blood!" She glanced over to you, "What happened, (Y/N)?" She gasped, "Don't tell me... he did that?"

"Well..." you started to at least give some sort of explanation for Jotaro bringing a bleeding man home with him, but he interrupted you.

He spoke to his mom as he started walking away, "It has nothing to do with you. C'mon, (Y/N), we're going." You gave Holly an apologetic bow and started walking next to Jotaro, "Which room is the old man staying at?"

Holly spoke up, "I think your grandfather's in the tea room with Avdol-san and Caesar-san."

Jotaro tilted his head slightly to glare at his mother, "I wasn't asking you." You also glanced at his mother, you felt bad for her. She was such a nice person and her son talked to her like she was garbage. Jotaro stopped walking again and faced his mom, "Hey. You look a little pale this morning. Are you alright?"

Her eyes widen and she smiled as she hopped in the air, "Yay! Fine, thank you!" She made a peace sign with her fingers.

You stared at him in slight awe, almost impressed. He tilted his hat to cover his eyes, "What are you staring at?"

You were quick to advert your gaze, "Nothing important..."

Jotaro let out an annoyed huff, "Whatever." The two of you, and Kakyoin, made your way to the tea room. Both Joseph and Avdol were indeed there, Caesar gave you a small wave.

Joseph's eyes lit up and he stood up to pull you into a hug, "(Y/N)! How was your first day of school!" He thought for a moment before pulling away from you with his hands on your shoulders, "But isn't it too early for you to be back?"

Then Jotaro walked in, plopping Kakyoin in the ground, "We're ditching. Now get your wrinkly hands off of her. She's obviously uncomfortable."

Joseph rose and eyebrow, "Oh? And why do you care so much?"

Jotaro sighed, "Aren't you seventy? You're an old man. You shouldn't be acting like that with someone my age, it's creepy." Joseph and Caesar looked at each other and started chuckling, causing Jotaro to narrow his eyes at them, "What's so funny?"

Caesar waved a hand through the air, "Ah, it's nothing important."

Joseph pulled away from you and took a seat next to Kakyoin's body, "So, what's up with this guy?"

"He attacked Jotaro and I. He's working for Dio." You pointed a finger at the Kujo, "He did most of the work, but I knocked him out." You made a karate chopping motion with your hand. "So, what do you think, JoJo?"

Jotaro sighed and started talking, "Well, I think that-"

Joseph cut him off, "She's talking to me." He rested his chin in his hand as he looked at Kakyoin, "We'll, this is no good. It's too late for him. He's not going to make it. He'll die in the next few days."

You tilted your head, confused, "What do you mean? Wamuu didn't hit him that hard."

Joseph looked into your eyes, "It's not your fault, (Y/N). Look." He began to raise his hand. "The reason this man swore loyalty to Dio and came to kill Jotaro..." He moved the hair covering Kakyoin's forehead, "is right here!"

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