Uncle Adam?

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Chris's POV...

I look at my wide eyed daughter with love. She is so beautiful, I don't like how short her dress is but she she still looks beautiful. She slowly backs away and blinks once before screaming. Shit.

"Jess, wait!" I yell running after her but in a flash another body ran into me but I stood still and that person fell. I take my eyes off Jess to see who I knocked down and there in the flesh laid Adam with shocked eyes.

"Maria, I think I smoked too much!" He yells and I cracked a small smile before realizing that he was smoking while Jess was about to run out the front door. I picked him up by his shirt until his eyes could meet mine.

"Adam, you were smoking while my child opened that fucking door and was about to run out? When if I wasn't there to stop her or someone else was standing there you fucking idiot!" I yell and his eyes widen and his lips open and close frequently but no words seems to come out.

"Adam, why is Jess screaming? I should beat your-" Maria stops as she sees me. She looked a bit older due to her salt and pepper look going on and I'm more than sure it is from stress dealing with Adam and my Jess.

"C-Chris, how are you?" I crack a smile and I dropped Adam and shrug. I open my arms and she smiles and power walks to me before engulfing me into a warm hug.

"You better not do that shit Again Chris, Adam and Jess definitely still needs your guidance." She laughs and I let out a laugh. Our hug was rudely broken by Adam gently pulling Maria's arms away and engulfing me in a hug. As weird as it feels, it still reminds me of him as a kid and I give him a big hug as well.

"Life isn't so simple Chris, you made it look so simple. I did my best to raise Jess, I made sure we still had money coming in from our allies and I even hired two guys who guards the house, helps out with Jess, and does some small quests with me." I nod my head but now my attention is on finding my daughter. I need to hold her and explain myself.

"I know Adam and you did good by paying for my books. I got serious money from there too." I say as we let go and then I started to head towards the way my Jess ran. It felt weird seeing everything again, especially after the event that made me locked up. I turn some corners and stop at a small closet.

"Jess, if you're in there.... Can you please come out and talk to me? I'm not a bad person, I will never hurt you, I love you way too much for that." I say and I stay by the for because I fell like she is in there. I sigh as I hear no movement and I sit on the floor and let my back rest on the wall, opposite from the door.

My heart stops as the door opened and there stood my baby. She is so beautiful. She walks up to me and puts her and on my face, "Y-you love me?" She says and it breaks my heart that she has to ask that. I should have been here floor her.

"Of course baby girl, I loved you ever since you were born." She has a confused look on her face and I realize that she is not aware of anything that happened. Good. She hesitantly sits on my lap and hugs me. I should be concerned about how trusting she is but for this moment, it is right.

"Jess, I'm your dad, Adam is your uncle." I say and I feel her tense for a second before relaxing more. I hold her tight and rub her back gently. She raises her head and looks me in my eyes before smiling.

"You are my dad and Adam is Uncle Adam?" She asks and I nod my head. She smiles even more and that made me smile wide. She blinks before her smile falters and that made me go away as well.

"If you are my dad.... Where did you go? Why leave me here?" She asks and that question was one I thought I would be prepared for but all it did was break my heart into pieces. What could I say? I was lost mentally and I don't want to tell her that her mother wanted her dead and betrayed us and it landed me in prison. She was too young to know that.

"I had to go on a question to fight bad guys and there was so many and I had to go or you wouldn't be safe." I lie and she nods her head as if she knows what I'm talking about and smiles again.

"I love you daddy." She says and my heart tightens and like that, I felt tears escape my eyes and flow down my cheeks. She loves me, she loves me and won't betray that love. She doesn't hate me and that makes me feel good.

"I love you more baby girl." I say and I hold her as I lift myself and her up off the floor. I carry her in my arms and walk back towards the direction I came from. She was light, a bit chubby but light. I'm glad she eats, I would have kicked Adam's ass if she looked malnourished.

"Daddy, I am hungry." Jess says as she placed her head in the crook of my neck. I smile because the fact that she is comfortable with me being her dad so quickly. I nod my head to her request and head to the kitchen.

Adam's POV.....

He is actually here, I am so lost for words. I am happy but I am also.... Angry? Angry because he fell for a bitch that didn't give two fucks for him. Angry that he left me to take care of the drug business and his kid. Angry that he didn't say anything to me about his experience before walking off, I am his only family besides Maria and he doesn't say anything.

"Ace, grab Cody and the both of you pack. We are all leaving in an hour." I barley and before Ace can move, Chris's deep voice filled the kitchen.
"No, they are welcomed to stay and help out." I turn my head to him and see Jess in his arms.

"She knows how to walk Chris." I say as I glare at Jess. I refuse for Chris to get all soft again. He rolls his eyes and holds her tighter before walking up to Ace and giving him a handshake.

"Well, hello Ace. I'm Chris, Jess's father and in a way Adam's brother." He laughs and I would smile if I wasn't so pissed off. Ace smiles and nods before walking past us and in the direction to his room.

"Why are you being an ass?" Chris asks as he sits Jess down at her table and walks up to me with crossed arms. I roll my eyes and then fix my eyes to stare at him with a glare.

"I'm your only family, I've been stressing about you and fell into depression and you just walk past me without telling me what happened in that hellhole." I say with no emotion and Chris scoffs and squints his eyes.

"First off you fucking idiot, you are not my only family anymore. We have additions, two of them was brought in by you. Second, you can see what I've been through on TV because prison is what they say it is, and third, Jess has never met me and deserved to know who I am." I say and Adam shrugs.

"I never said she shouldn't know. I told her I wasn't her dad many times." I say and Chris rolls his eyes and heads to the fridge taking out items that makes a sandwich. As he makes the sandwiches my stomach growls and I realize that I haven't really eaten.

"Well, I guess I can make everyone some sandwiches." He laughs and this time, I actually cracked a smile and sat down to get the first one.

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