He's Just A Child

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Jess's pov.....

It's been a week since William's birthday and he has been acting strange. This is the same reaction he had last year after his birthday and I'm not sure why. I ask him and he just smiles and tells me he just wants to be stronger.

We both lay in my bed and he cuddles himself to my body. I run my hands through his hair and listen to his soft snores. He's been with his father for the past three days, it would make sense why he isn't all that happy.

Wayne won't let William be a kid. He makes him take hard classes and lessons from a private tutor. William is only six, yet, he can speak a couple of languages and he's a genius when it comes to math. He can also play the piano, flute, and violin. I think he's good but his teachers still come everyday and make him practice for hours.

And of course, the worst teacher of all is Wayne. He makes William take lessons on being this picture perfect son. It's annoying and I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the times I told Wayne my concerns. He doesn't give a fuck, all he wants is for William to take on the business when he dies.

"Mommy, stop worrying about me." William whispers and I smile at him. He knows me so well. I sigh and look at the different pictures on the wall. Most of the pictures are of William and I and others are the drawings he made for me when he was younger.

"Mommy, do you hate people who kill and do things they aren't supposed to?" William asks and this catches me off guard. The question is odd and not something a child should have on their mind.

"William, why would you ask me that?" I ask and I can hear the panic in my voice. I close my eyes to take a deep breath before fixing myself to sit up. William does the same but he crawls into my lap and leans his back against my chest.

"I watched a movie with dad and they were doing bad things like that. I just wanted to know if you like people like that." He answers plainly and I wrap my arms around him and give the back of his head a kiss.

Wayne shouldn't show movies like that to William at this age. I don't want William doing shit he shouldn't. Wayne purposely keeps me away from William at times and it aggravates me that he thinks he can make decisions like this without me.

His question is straightforward but my answer wouldn't be. Robbie kills and he's amazing. He's always been here for me and he's kind to William. Hell, I'm in love with a person I witnessed kill. Adam's face pops in my head and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly to get rid of it. Any thoughts or images of him will lead me to heartbreak.

The only reason I can't tell him that is because I don't want him to think that's okay to ever do. As his mother, I need to drill it in his head that people who take the lives of others and do bad things are bad. I don't want him to end up like his father.

"I think they are disgusting, hateful, selfish, and should be ashamed of themselves. You steer clear of anyone like that William, you're a good boy." I say and his body stiffens at my words. Maybe they came out too harsh. I squeeze him a little tighter and give his head another kiss.

"I love you." I whisper and this made him relax and lean more into me. I look over to the alarm clock on my nightstand and nod at the time. Looks like we took a long nap and had a long talk because it's time for dinner. William loves food but hates the food made here. He only likes the food Robbie brings us when he goes out.

"Time for dinner my love." I say tapping his arm gently and he groans. I chuckle as he dramatically rolls off my bed and whines about not wanting to eat dinner tonight. I ignore his little rants because he knows we have to eat dinner when his dad is home. Wayne made sure we all knew it was important.

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