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Jess's pov......

"Mom, can you please tell your kids to stop touching me!" William booms from downstairs. Adam and I look at each other and giggle. He's been complaining about the kids ever since he came to visit.

Adam and I both get up from our bed and make our way down stairs to calm everyone down. There stood William, my twin boy and girl , my toddler girl, and lastly my barely walking boy.

"Shut up William, you decided to come and visit. Why don't you just go back to your house and have fun with all your loser friends?" Kaiden teases but I sense a hint of jealousy. Kara rolls her eyes and then she throws a diaper at William.

"I'm gonna kill you. I fucking swear Kara, I'm gonna kill you!" William yells as he charges for her but the twins have a way of always double teaming William. Adam and I watch with amusement as the teenagers try to take down their adult brother. They are failing but it's still a nice fight.

"No, stop fight fight!" Jasmine yells as she throws her toys at them. I giggle at her attempt but my giggles stop when she ends up joining the fight. Adam quickly hops from our position and grabs Jasmine before the three older ones topple over her.

I quickly go to grab Timothy and he giggles at my touch. I am pretty lucky with this one, he is such an easy baby. He barely cries and he's always smiling. The sound of glass shattering and gasps made my head shoot in my children's direction.

"Look what the fuck y'all did! Mom, please tell me you saw that?!" William yells but I couldn't see anything but my brand new coffee table I just bought three days ago. I literally had to fight a bitch for it and she was a big bitch to fight.

"Baby, we can get another one. You know how they all get when they see each other." Adam tries to reason but my mind won't let me see reason. I'm trying to figure out where I could send the three of them before I throw everything in sight.

"Mama." The little voice of Timothy broke my angry trance. He giggles and snuggles into me, making my heart melt. This boy must have the ability to sense when I'm upset because he is always there to make me smile.

"The three of you better clean this mess up. Your uncle Aiden and auntie Lana are coming over for dinner and I don't want to be embarrassed." I say as I squint at them and they all nod their heads.

"Come on baby, daddy and mommy will watch some shows with you and your sister." I coo and I make my way upstairs to my room. They better have this house clean or I'm sending people overseas.

Sadie's pov....

"He'll get angry if he sees me Lana." I say as I tear up at the memories of William dismissing me like I was nothing. I can't go through that again, I rather suffer in silence then try to convince him any more.

"Sadie, we're 23 now. He isn't the same guy he was when we were younger." She says as she fixes her blonde hair in the mirror. I always admired how beautiful Lana was. She looks like a doll with her big blue eyes, pale skin, and slim figure.

"I just wish he gave me a chance in highschool. I thought he would be convinced once he found out Aiden asked you out his freshman year." I whisper and Lana blushes before clearing her throat.

"He's a fool and he will know he's a fool once he sees you tonight. You look so beautiful Sadie." She squeals and her words did bring my mood up a little.

William noticing me seems like it would be nothing but a fantasy. I have always loved him, the moment I saw him.... I just knew he was someone I wanted to spend my life with. I just didn't expect him to avoid me at all costs and get annoyed with me.

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