Mommy's Friend

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*Contains violence and abuse*

Chris's POV......

I hate myself. I did the unthinkable, I put my hands on my child. I told her things I thought I would hide forever, I called her a whore, I threatened her, I even went as far to tell her that I regret saving her. I'm a horrible father.

"Stop moping Chris. I know you regret what you did, but there is no turning back. I think your decision is a great one, you both need time away from each other." Maria says as she cuts a nice slice of enchiladas.

"I lost control, I didn't see her when she said those things. All I could see was.... Her mother!" I whispered shout and Maria nods her head. I know she is disappointed in me, I know she sees me differently.

Maria shrugs her shoulders as she waddles her way to the fridge. She takes out some sour cream and I instantly knew she was making a plate for Jess. She is the only one who eats enchiladas with sour cream.

"It is about time you put your foot down. Now, you need to keep up the act. I don't want her to become a bad woman Chris, she needs Adam to show her how life really is." She says tiredly and I just watch as she stirs the sour cream before putting a mountain of it on the enchiladas.

"I agree, I gave her too much lead way. I just wanted to be the parent my parents wasn't." I say looking at the steam come off of the enchiladas. It makes me think of my father, a man who carried so much steam, a man who made sure to let all out on those weaker than him.


"Christopher, your father is missing his adult medicine. Did you take daddy's medicine off of the kitchen counter?" My mother asks me gently, I knew it was a trick. She always tricks daddy after taking his things.

She gets on her knees next to me. I wish she would build a tower with me, the Lego's Maria bought me are so fun! I connect the pieces together and continue to make my high building. But, mom smacked it with her hands and it fell back into pieces.

"I didn't mommy, remember, you took daddy's medicine." I say, I felt my face sting. It took me a second to realize that she slapped me.

"You fucking liar! You are a thief, John, beat the little shit for all I care!" She just walks away but I can hear the sound of daddy's belt. I get up and run before he could hit me.

"Chris, you fucking abomination, get your worthless ass here now before I fucking kill you!" I stop running and turn around to face him. I was instantly smacked with the belt on my face.

"Ahhhh, daddy I didn't do it. Mommy and her friend from work did!" I yell as the belt made contact with my behind many times. He stops and lifted me up by my shirt and face me towards him.

"What friend from work?" He squints his eyes at me. I instantly regret saying anything because mommy told me to keep it a secret because daddy will hit her and Maria again.

I shake my head and cover my mouth. He let out a big breath before slowly letting me down. He then grabs my hair and yanks me to both sides before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his pocket knife.

"Chris, I would love to see you make it to the age of seven. But if you do not tell me what I want to know, I'll kill you and I'll kill mommy. Understand?" He says it very calm but his eyes are scary. I nod my head and he smiles.

"Is mommy friend a boy or a girl? What did the person look like?" He asks and I gulp. I had to close my eyes to remember what mommy friend looked like. I smile in victory once I remembered.

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