Shit Vodka

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Jess's POV.......

"This is amazing Maria, you never disappoint." I moan taking big bites and chomping them down. Maria scolds me and hands me napkins.

"Jessica Rosette Carter, you eat like a lady, have some table manners." She grabs a napkin and wipes my nose and swiped all the way across my mouth to my chin. How did it get to my nose?

"Why did she get a plate before me Maria?" Adam pops out of nowhere and  puts his arm around Maria teasingly. She pops his hand and usher him to the chair diagonal from me to the left. She walks away but I do hear her cursing.

"I suggest you eat up, we have a long ride." Adam says, I squint at him before looking down to my plate and cutting decent pieces of enchiladas. I stuff my mouth again and I feel my eyes roll back as I let out a moan.

My happiness is quickly interrupted by the sounds of shoes hitting the floor and the familiar scent of Chris's cologne. I roll my eyes before he could see me and continue to look down at my plate.  The fuck I look like giving him any attention?

"Adam, I can pay for the gas to get you ther-." He stops his sentence and I am assuming Adam stopped him. Still, I refuse to look up. I grab my cold and slushed strawberry lemonade kool-aid and sip from my straw. Mmmmmm, muy bien.

"Here you go, one for you and one for you." Maria's voice emerges into the silence. I can hear her set two plates down. What's wrong with the fucking kitchen, why do they have to be around me?

Maria walks pass me but not before giving my shoulder a slight rub. It's so comforting when she does that. I suddenly felt a bit dizzy but I kept grounded, I think.

"Ah, you must of had some shit vodka if it's barely kicking in." Adam scoffs and finally I look up and give a lazy smile. I don't know why I'm smiling but I feel so good.

To be honest, I can handle liquor alright. This is kind of a late buzz, I have those a lot. I felt myself losing my control and before I know it, I'm blurting out shit.

"I was supposed to try something new with my friend tonight. But, before we could.... He left because he had a girl at home.... Why didn't he tell me he had a girlfriend?" I ask Adam and the inner me cringes between burps and my confession. However, I kept fucking talking.

"You know what Chris." I point at him and even though I say this in a form of a question, it was more of a statement in tone. I turn my head towards him and give him a glare of pure hatred.

"I would rather die before I call you my father again. I will never accept that a murder help make me..... Well, maybe help make me. But that's okay because when I turn 18, I'm leaving the country and starting a new life." I babble on but to my dismay, he started appearing in mixed colors before he got blurry.

"Ace and Cody will always be more of a father figure to me than you'll ever be." I spit out before a wave of dizziness knocks me down back into the chair. I close my eyes and let sleep take me away.

Adam's POV.......

"Finally, I've been waiting for her to shut the fuck up." I sigh digging in to my enchiladas. The cheese is still gooey and the seasonings is perfection. I take a quick chug of my tequila, I am sad that I didn't grab some salt and lime.

"Adam, you're gonna be driving with my daughter in the car. Stop drinking, go get some milk or something." Chris's voice broke the silence I was blessed with. Eh, I'll just restrain from telling him that I don't quite care.

"Hm, what happened to you not caring what she does?" I taunt, I knew he was giving an act. He just snapped and acted out of his new character, but I know the person he was tonight.

"We both know I didn't mean that. I love her to death, and when she turns 18.... Make sure she has nothing to leave with. I refuse to have her leave to a place too far away from me." He says as he gets up and make his way to Jess.

He picks her up bridal style and lays her down on the couch. He picks up her head and he sits down, laying her head gently on his lap. He brushes her hair out her face with his hand before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"I'm so sorry for the things I said pudding. I love you so much, I know you're my daughter. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just pictured your mother and I snapped." He says as he keeps giving her kisses on the forehead.

"Chris, I think Jess and Adam should get going before you change your mind." I snap my head away from Chris and Jess to Maria. I am pretty shocked that Maria is okay with Jess leaving.

"Adam, you better make sure she comes back with no marks. She must come back as a b-better woman." Maria chokes at the end as tears fall from her eyes. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I am confused on the reason of her leaving if you both are going to cry about it. And, what makes you think I can change her or make her want to come back? If she is 18, she is grown enough to make her own decisions." I rant but I am ignored.... As usual.

"Do as you are told Adam. This is your goddaughter after all. She was the best with you, and you need to get her back to that obedience. And she is far too naive to be alone in this cruel world." She lectures and I just shut my mouth because I'm not winning.

Ace and Cody runs in from the kitchen with sweaty shirts and a red face. I thought I heard them say they were going on a store run. I raise my left eyebrow in curiosity once I see Cody put something behind his back.

"Thank god, I thought we would be late to see Jess leave." Ace says breathlessly. He makes his way to the chair Jess was seated before and flops down. However, Cody walks sideways and just stands behind Ace.

"What are you meatballs up to?" I question and of course they both smile sheepishly and give shrugs. They can't lie or hide things for shit, that's why I made them stay here.

"What? What do you mean dude, like... What?" Ace squeaks and both Chris and Maria turn their attention to them now. I place my head in my hands stressfully before walking up to Cody and snatching the box.

It was a nice rectangular box but the image of a slim and delicate device. I tossed the box to Chris and once Maria saw what it was her eyes came to a squint.

"A phone?" Maria quickly walks to them and pulls their ears. Both men yelps as she pulls them out of the living room and towards the stairs.

"Yeah, we gotta go." I sigh stretching my muscles.

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