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This shit is confusing, why isn't the milk a liquid? Why in the fuck is it powdered? What am I supposed to use to put the milk in the bottle? Why is the fucking instructions in French? Do any of us look like we speak French? Dam it, where is my phone? I'm gonna google this shit.

"Eh,eh,eh, ehhhhhhh, aaaaaaaa, eeehhhhhheheeeeeeeeehhh!" I felt like ripping my eardrums out and throwing it. She keeps crying and I have no idea what to do, I am trying to find out how to feed her but she is impatient and the shit is too complicated for me to understand.

I go on YouTube and search up 'how to make a new burns bottle using powdered milk?' I scroll down to the most educated looking mother and clicked the video. I skipped passed her introduction and watch her pull out the same milk container we had. Thank you lord, I thought I was being punished until now.

"The scoopers are always hidden in the milk when it comes to these containers, they like to play hide and seek,  it don't worry it is mostly on the side." I copied her actions and just like she said, I found that scooper thing on the side. She then grabbed the bottle and so did I with the scooper over the milk.

"Now, depending on the bottle you will put a certain amount of scoops. If you have a bottle like mine that goes up to twelve ounces, I want you to put four scoops but make sure that it is nice and neat scoops so it won't go over four scoops. If you have a six ounce bottle, you put the half of what people with twelve ounce bottles put.

I had a twelve ounce bottle so I copied her actions on scooping, including gliding my finger across the top of the scooper to wipe away the extra powdered milk. I put it into the bottle and continued my actions until I got to the fourth scoop.

"Now we put the water, pour warm water that is not too cold or too hot, in the bottle slowly. Now, we want to pour slowly because the milk is blocking how much water should be in there. I want you to feel it half way and then put the cap on and shake it, this will break down the powdered milk into liquid and you can feel the rest of the bottle up."

I am shaking the shit out of this bottle, I looked down to see Jess shaking too and I stopped because I knew that you weren't supposed to shake a baby, I went to her crib in the living room and laid her down. I continued to shake the bottle and it broke down like she said it will. I walk back to the sink and filled the bottle up, I see her shaking it again so I copy.

"Thank you for clicking on to my video, please subscribe and press that like button if you will like to see more of my videos." I didn't subscribe but I press like because she had the milk I had. I walk to Jess's crib and I watch her suck on something gold, her pacifier isn't gold. I pick her up and gently pulled the object from her mouth and my eyes widen at The engagement ring that belonged to her mother.

 I pick her up and gently pulled the object from her mouth and my eyes widen at The engagement ring that belonged to her mother

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It's an beautiful rose ring. He spent a fortune for that bitch, he knew that Angela loves roses and she even gave Jess her middle name that had the name of 'rose' in it. I never met a person so obsessed with roses.

"Here, drink your bottle." I said to Jess and I out the bottle up to her mouth and she opened up and closed around the thingy on top of the bottle. She was tugging so much on the bottle and I couldn't help but laugh at how long she waited for this moment. I walked to the couch and sat down with her laying my right arm and I had the ring on my left.

Why would Angela leave the ring in Jess's crib? How did it get in the crib? Was she swinging at Chris and it happened to fly from her finger and into Jess's crib? Was it something for Jess to have when Angela planned to give away Jess? There were so many questions I had but I know that they will never be answered.

I'm a fifteen year old boy who has a responsibility of an fucking dad and I am all alone to do it. I know that Chris has a thing where bills are automatically paid so I had nothing to worry about with the house in general, but there is still other things like the maintenance for the cars, food,clothes for Jess, diapers, bottles,milk,pacifiers, and I have to clean.

Now that I think about it, I have to go grocery shopping. Should I go with a baby with me, I can't leave her anywhere else? She has to, and I need her to go anyway because I am going to buy her stuff and I need someone's opinion if it is good for her age. I look down to see that she was just sucking air out of the bottle. I gently pull it away from her and pick her up a little.

"I always watched Chris pat you on your back after you ate to burp you." I said to her imagining her telling me why it was  necessary to help her burp? I did it anyway because if something happens because she didn't burp, I will be extremely pissed for agreeing to this.

"Hurry up and burp Jess, we need to go to the grocery store because this house is empty." I said as I pat her a little faster but still gentle. I bet Angela never went to the grocery store when she went out because it was only the three of us and if this house was full of food, it wouldn't be a dent in it right now. I hear a little burp and I smile, finally she fucking burped!

"Now we can get me something to eat and drink so I can burp."


Sorry for the Wait!!!

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