One day...

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Adam's POV....

It's been a month and everything got back to normal, and by normal, Chris is back being a soft ass again. I do my best to stay away from him when Jess is up because she constantly bugs him.

I take a sip of my vodka and check off all the drug sales Cody and Ace pulled off. We made a million last week and two million this week. Despite the good numbers, I feel that one of our customers are betraying us.

I sit down at the Island and cringe at Jess's table. I hate that she likes to create things with her food when she gets bored. My eyes wander over the paper before I noticed a slight error in one shipment.

"Jess is asleep, what is going on with the business?" Chris asks and I blink rapidly because I didn't hear him come down any steps, nor did I hear him enter the kitchen.

"You tell me." I say pushing the list to him and I watch as he scans the paper. His brows furrow together and he closes his eyes tight before opening them up again to see what I believe is the error.

"Tony picked up someone's order for them? Who?" He asks as he sit down on the chair across from me. I shrug and start calculating the cut we all get from the three million. I smile at the big numbers, I might get a new phone, the one I have now got a crack on it, all because Jess was playing tag with Chris.

"You okay buddy?" Chris asks and I look at him confused. What would make him say that? All I am doing is caculat- I look down at the paper and I see that I have been pressing my pen really hard against the paper and all the ink was splattered on my calculations.

"Fuck, sorry.... I-I need to sleep." I say and I got up and basically ran to my room and shut the door. I really got that pissed about Jess that I did that.... It's like, Jess has been pissing me off more lately. She is weakening Chris!

"Uncle Adam, c-can I sleep next to you?"  Jess's annoying voice filled my ears and I look down to see Jess with her thumb in her mouth and the door open. Why can I not hear things going on around me???

"Do you miss me being your daughter?" Jess asks as she makes her way into my bed and without thinking, I charge towards her and grab her by the arm.

"I want nothing to do with you Jess. I didn't like you when you were born, I don't like you now, and I will never like you. Stay away from me and stop ruining my fucking life." I snap and her face held sadness before she held a blank face and stare.

"That's okay Mr. Adam, I do not like you either and I will never accept any sorries you give to me." She says and I roll my eyes and let her go before pointing to my door. I didn't need to tell her to leave, she left without another look and no words were said.

I felt a bit guilty.... I mean... I love Jess, but she is just a liability and I don't wanna be attached, I don't want to be in fear of anything or anyone being hurt or hurting me. And... Maybe I just need to be far from her... Far from this depiction that everything is okay.

Chris's POV.....

I sip on some chai tea and exhale the breath that held the stress. I slowly lean on the clean island and look over the notes written by Adam. He has been focused on work a lot lately.... I just want him to rest for a week or two, we clearly have enough money to last for years.

I push myself up and walk out of the kitchen to go upstairs. I sip my tea and head towards my room. Just before I could touch the doorknob, the sound of the wind howling caught my attention.

I look around and my eyes settled on the open door of Adam's dark room. He never Has his window open... I slowly walk towards the room and I slowly reach my arm in to flip the switch.

I feel the switch and flip it, I fully stepped into the room and I see that the window is wide open and the room empty. I walk up to the window and my heart stops at the sight of rope being tied to the leg of the bed and the rest outside of the window.

I look around to see if Adam is in but all I see is a note on the dresser. I walk up to it and scanned it.

You can pull up that rope Chris, I'm not gonna come back for a while. I'm gonna live closer to our supplies to keep watching and hold things down here. I want you to not worry about anything, you have a daughter to raise and I know that she is all you can think about right now. Ace and Cody will be going back and forth between us to make sure you are safe and sound.... I'll see you again one day..

I read over the note and I am shocked. He didn't tell me he was planning on this.... He didn't even give me a proper goodbye. I wanted to be mad but... He was just considering me to be a father and not in this life. I'm well off in life and I'm sure he will send money to me. Maybe, what he did was a good thing, my baby girl will stop calling Adam her dad.

I'm going to make sure life isn't dangerous for her. I put the note down and walk over to the window to pull the rope back up.

"One day." I whisper.

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