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Ace's pov.....

She's beautiful, I couldn't help but notice how mature she looks. I put her down and let her enter the car, she bent down to crawl in and I followed in after her.

"Pumpkin!" Chris yells as he pulls Jess into him. I close the door and signal the driver to continue. Jess giggles in her dad's arms and that made me smile because it reminds me of the days where she needed me.

"Dad, I have something to tell you." Both Chris and I give each other a look before looking back at her. We already know what she wants and we promised Maria to let her chose where she wanted to be. Chris holds her tighter before letting her pull herself back.

"Wayne made a deal with me... He promised that he wouldn't hurt any of you if I followed some rules of his. I followed them but one rule is one that lasts forever." She says and I watch as she closes her eyes and take deep breaths.

"He told me to pretend like I loved him, obey him, forget about all of you, marry him, and the last.... He told me to give him a son." My eyes widen at the last one and I clench my jaw at the pained look she had.

"D-daddy, you have a grandson." She confesses and all air I had in me was knocked out. Chris stares at her blankly and I didn't know what he could say to make it any better. I don't have the words either.

"Well, that's okay. We could go shopping for him. Maybe get some stuff he likes or we could schedule a trip for him and your brother." Chris says and he breaks into a soft smile. Jess lets out a sob before throwing herself in his arms.

"Shhhhhh, I will love him. He's my grandson. I'm just confused that he isn't with you right now." He says and Jess lifts herself up again and sits in her seat.

"He just wants to be with Adam right now. And... I'm kind of mad at Adam right now, so, I needed some space." She whispers the last part and I roll my eyes. Of course he manages to tick her off as soon as she gets near him.

"Well, it's up to you if you wanna come home with me or..... Go with Adam." Chris said and I shake my head in disappointment. We could of just egged it on and she would have came home with us.

She covers her face with both hands and she shakes her head. I move from my seat and pull her into a hug. She let's out a sob and my heart breaks at how desperate it came off. She's really upset and I feel like it has to do with her having the option to choose and the mess with Adam.

Suddenly, she gently pushes me away and grabs her dad's hand again. She looks him deeply in the eyes and I can tell Chris is on the verge of shedding tears. I know he hates it when Jess is sad, it always messes with him.

"I'm in love with him dad. I know you hate that I feel that way but I do. You have no clue what I feel when he's near me. The thought of him saved me so many times in that house..... However, I love you too dad. I don't want to choose between you two, I want you to just accept the fact that I love him." She starts to hiccup and that alone tore me into pieces.

"Okay Pumpkin. I will accept that you love him but I cannot promise you that we will be close, but I'll try. And if he ever hurts you.... I want to know. He doesn't get to spank you and all that anymore." Chris says and Jess's sad face turns into a happy one.

"Thank you daddy!" She says as she throws herself into his arms. She's never been this affectionate before. When she was a teenager, she would give a side hug or fist bump. It was nice to see the little girl I helped raise.

Adam's pov.....

"If one more person touches or kisses my girl... I might just lose it." I mumble and Cody scratches his head and reaches in the glove department. I watch as he pulls out a piece of gum.

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