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Adam's POV....

The smell of shit made me scoot farther away from my bed and I swear if this girl took a shit in my bed I will send her ass to prison. "You better have not took a shit in my bed Jess." I said and I scrunch my nose more when it was like a whiff of air blew in my face again. What the fuck?

I opened my eyes and I came, face to mouth? I took in my surroundings and just like a fucking movie, everything started to playback in my mind. That crazy bitch! I moved even farther from her and I noticed that I was naked. What the fuck did she do to me?

"You crazy bitch." I whispered as I search for my clothes in the dark room and I found the clothing piled on the side of the bed where I was and tossed them on. I began to walk to the door because I know that bitch probably left my shoes out there since I can't seem to find them where the clothes were.

"Yeah daddy, dick me down!" She yelled and I stopped in my tracks with my back still facing the door and when I heard loud snores I quickly opened the door and ran my ass downstairs. Fuck them shoes, I got more pairs at home. I walked up to the door and my keys were hung up on a holder.

"I am never coming back to her place." I said and I heard the noise of movement and I quickly swung her door open and ran my ass to my car and just like the scary movies, my ass was shaking so hard that I dropped the key on the ground. I picked it up and unlocked the car before hopping in and locking the doors.

She came outside looking from left to right then her eyes settled on me in my car and she started running to me but I started the car and pressed my foot on the gas so hard that the car screeched and I left that bitch in smoke.

I rather change Jess's diapers than deal with that bad breath, desperate, crazy, abusive bitch! I was about thirty-five minutes away from home when I notice a car blinking its lights at me. I slowed down as the car came up beside me and my eyes widen when I see her with runny mascara down her cheeks.

She was yelling at me but I had my window up and I shook my head before pressing on the gas and sped off but of course she did the same and my eyes widen when she moved her car too close to mine. What the-

"You crazy bitch!" I yelled as she ramed my car from the side making me almost lose control. I turn my head towards her to see her sticking up her middle finger and I swear she is gonna pay if she fucked up my painting.

I rolled down my window and she didn't notice because she was staring ahead and I notice that she had my shoes in her lap. "Are you giving me back my shoes or trying to kill me!?!" I asked and she faced me and then picked up my shoe before throwing one at me and it didn't make it in my car but it made me flinch and the car swerved.

"You are one crazy bitch, I will never sleep with your crazy ass ever again!" I yell and she faced the road and so did I but out of nowhere something hit my face making me hit the brakes because my face was so much in pain. I jerked from the sudden stop and I hit my head on the wheel.

"Fuck!" I yell and I hear screaming so I  blindly move my fingers to the door and I felt for the button to roll up my window. I opened my eyes and saw that my shoe was on my lap and throw it in the back before looking up and I almost screamed at the woman that is half naked and carrying a bat.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I yelled as she raised the bat to the window and out of reflex, I backed out of her way and then started driving forward. I ever so nicely tapped her car out of the way. I know that I probably will buy a new car after this because this car has to be a mess and that bitch knows what type of car I drive.

I am never going to Costco ever again! Jess will just have to taste the sweet air of food4less or Sam's club because no telling what that bitch will do if she sees me again. I don't know what it is about my dick that attracts crazy women but it is a curse and a blessing when it comes down to sex. She would shit her pants if she knew my real age.

I finally got to my neighborhood and I pressed the button to our garage as soon as I pulled up and drove into it, I shut the car off and open the door. "Ah, shit." I said as I shake my head at my now busted up car. Good thing I was shopping like crazy so we have enough food to not need a car for a little while until it gets fixed.

"Maaaaabbbbaaawaaa!" I here the cries of Jess and I do my little tantrum dance before walking up to the door that leads me into the house and stepped in. "Shhhhh, it's okay little one." Maria cooed at the very upset baby and I walk deeper into the house and the sound was from the living room. I finally saw a very tired and stressed out Maria sitting on the couch with Jess in her arms. I'm gonna hear it.

"You can get some sleep Maria, I got Jess." I said and Maria gasped before standing up and walking towards me. "I thought you got into some trouble." She said before leaning her head on my shoulder and Jess cried even louder and I gently lift up the crying baby from her arms and into mine.

"Stop crying Jess." I said and all of a sudden the cries stop and she opened her eyes that were once shut. Her brown eyes were red and her little nose was red as well and I am sure it is from all that crying and screaming.

"How did you do that?" I heard Maria from behind me and I lift my head away from the baby to meet an very confused face of Maria. "I just hold her and tell her to stop it." I said and Maria shakes her head and her eyes lower to the baby and then back to me.

"She was waiting for you Adam, she didn't sleep and she kept crying." Maria said as she walks over to the stairs and I am kinda skeptical of Jess waiting for me because she is a baby and they sleep with or without someone so I find it hard to believe.

I noticed that Maria is already out of sight so I turn back to Jess and smile at her now closed eyes and little snores. "Let's get me into bed then." I said to the sleeping baby.

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