Don't look at me like that

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Chris's POV....

I watch as Adam leave with my baby girl in her car seat with the most saddest face as she sees me disappearing from her sight when Adam turns the corner. I believe that she knows what is happening but another part of me is screaming at me to not be a bitch and think that a baby knows this type of situation.

"Come on inmate, I got kids to whoop and a wife to fuck." A jail guard says as he grabs me by my jail suit. I didn't feel like punching the shit out of him because I am too focused on how my baby girl is going to grow up without daddy. She might think that I don't love her and the day she sees me, she will hate my fucking gut.

"You will be off to prison in the morning so enjoy this shit while you still can." He said before pushing me into the cell and I slowly walked to the beat up bed and sat down. I am going to be uncomfortable as shit, but I have been in jail many of times and I should be use to it. I shouldn't have to be use to it all over again, I am supposed to be cuddled up to my lover and hearing out for my baby girl to cry for daddy to pick her up.

I finally laid down and closed my eyes and dreamed about the future for my little girl, please Adam, protect her and love her the same way I showed you love and protection. And with that thought, I drifted off into the darkness.

Adam's POV....

I drive back to the house and see that the cops are still there with the forensic team. I really want to punch them in their face and let them feel my aggravation of all this fucking nonsense, but I have a responsibility now and I promised Chris that I will own up to it. He did it for me when I needed someone, I will do it for him.

"Do you live here sir?" I look to my side from out my car window and glare at the nerdy lady. My eyes decided to make sure her nerdiness will not affect me and Jess, I care about our safety. I look down to her boobs and my eyebrows raised because she could basically be a guy, no sign of a bump anywhere.

"I actually do, so hurry up and get you and your fucking team off my property so me and the baby can get some fucking rest." I said  rolling my eyes and she squinted her eyes at me and I felt her eyes on the route to my soul. I hop out of the car and grab Jess because this lady is creeping me out.

"How old are you?" She asks and I look down at Jess to see her sleeping peacefully. Wow, she couldn't fucking wait for me? I simply ignored the lady because I don't got time to be fucking around with questions when I am obviously tired. I was about to walk away from my car when the lady stepped in my way again and frowned.

"I'll tell everyone to go if you let me observe your house for the rest of the night." after that sentence left her mouth I felt very uneasy because who fucking says that to people they do not know and what makes you think the person will agree?

"No, you get off my fucking property or I will find away to have all of your buddies off." I growled and I pushed passed her making sure she doesn't touch Jess's car seat, I don't need any of these creeps taking samples of her.

"Can I just please talk to you alone?" she asked desperately and I couldn't just leave her out when she asked it like that. I turned around and gave her full eye contact, hope filled her eyes and it honestly made me feel good about my decision.

"I don't talk to sluts who fuck around with dead bodies." I said with a smile and the hope in her eyes dropped. I turned back around and walked quickly but safely for Jess's sake and I hurried into the open door of the house and there was a couple of people in the house who were cleaning up the scene.

"We will be leaving off the property in five minutes, is there anything you will like to talk about?" I heard from behind me and I turned around to see the woman I just walked away from. I shook my head and walked towards the stairs before taking a peek at Jess and she is still quietly sleeping.

I put my attention back on the stairs and walked up. Reaching the door to my room is the most satisfying action in this whole fucked up situation. I just wanna sleep and deal with Jess tomorrow, I took Jess out of her car seat and laid her on the bed. I know she likes to roll so I block every inch for her to roll with my pillows.

I need to take a shower and get some sleep. When if those creeps try to spy on Jess? I quickly walk to the door and lock it, that should solve the problem. I strip naked and head to my bathroom, I leave the door open because I still feel uneasy about leaving Jess alone.

I turn on the shower and let the water warm up before I place my body inside. The water ran down my body and I grab my wash cloth and my old spice body wash and scrub the dirt off of me and I grab my matching shampoo and did the same for my hair. I am a teenager pretending to be an adult and I have to raise my best friend's daughter who is my god daughter because he got arrested. My life is amazing.

Once I successfully rinsed off all of the soap, I turned off all of the water and opened the shower door. I grabbed the towel that was the closest and wrapped it around my waist. I walk out and brushed my teeth, I need to get some rest so I can think about all of this with a clear and clean mind.

I go straight to the bed and there I see a wide awake Jessica. I mentally groan because I just want to sleep, why is she up anyway? Did the sound of the shower wake her up? Or is it a baby thing to just randomly be up? All I know is that she is taking her ass back to sleep because I am tired.

"Close your fucking eyes because I do not have time for your shit." I said and her eyes widen but she didn't close her eyes. Does she understand English? I know she is a baby and barely been on earth for a month, but she should know some type of communication.

"Don't look at me like that, I am tired and you know it." I grumbled as I take off the pillows and scooted her more to the right side of the bed. I put one on the floor just in case she falls, it could happen. I lay down and turn off the lamp beside my bed, this was one hell of a night and it might trail on for awhile.



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