Tea to spill

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Jess's POV....

"Get off of me." I demand but the man from the party just stares at me. I didn't notice how fit he was until he had the audacity to push me and get on top of me.

"You think you saying that would work on a stranger Jess? You can't be this fucking stupid!" He growls and I can see how angry he was by the way his face was turning red.

"You're a stranger to me you dumbass." I snap as I continue to wiggle under him to escape but I can't make this man move an inch.

"Hm, so you don't remember me... I figured that would be a factor." He scoffs before licking his lips. I couldn't help but focus on him doing that, his tongue gliding over his bottom lip was oddly satisfying.

I look up from his lips to see that he was staring at me and I uncomfortably turn my head to the side to avoid his gaze. His eyes seem so dark and clouded, even with light shining on them.

"I want you to apologize to your father for acting stupid, alright?" I feel like his tone was demanding but in a form of a question. I refuse to be punked by some weirdo.

"Fuck you, you fucking bi-." My chin was roughly grabbed and twisted to face him. To say that I wasn't scared by the look he was giving me would be a lie.... A big ass lie.

"Fuck me, Fuck me? You're a fucking idiot to speak to me disrespectfully. I'm the one pinning your ass down!" He yells and I wish there was someone near to help, but there is nobody.

I realize that he started to lower himself on me and his face was mighty close to mine. The smell of wine and expensive cologne tickled my nose. He puts his mouth next to my ear and blows.

"I never get fucked Jess, I'm the one that does the fucking." He whispers and my eyes widen before I try my lame ass attempt of escaping him again.

"Please, just let me go!" I yell at him and it was a bit scary that he can see me struggle and hold eye contact. The sad thing is, this man is undeniably sexy. However, him being old enough to be my dad's friend and an asshole, clouds my judgment of him being anything but eye candy.

"Begging.... That fits you Jess. I'll get off of you, and you will apologize to your father or I will go up to your fucking room and run a belt against your ass." He scolds and I nod my head.

I don't want to be on this ground any longer than I have. He rises up and in a swift movement, he pulls me up by my shirt.

"Get in the car, your dad is worried and needs you." He says and I for the first time, did what I was told willingly. Now, when I get home, my father is gonna get more than a fucking apology. How dare he send this lunatic to press me.

The car ride felt very long and I believe that is a mixture of miles and the dead silence in the car. I am still confused about this man, like... Why is he so comfortable talking to me like I'm his child? And what did he mean when he said he knew it would be a factor of me forgetting him?

I kept quite despite me wanting to know. This man can just be a lunatic my father hired to humble me or something. He did put up a good act with throwing up... It got to me a bit.

"Are you gonna still sit there and look like a fucking fish or are you gonna get out and do this punishment?" His question broke my trance and I look around to see that we are in my driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt and hop out the car.

"You better make sure your apology is sincere because if it isn't, I will make sure you can't sit for a week." He whispers harshly in my ear. He just doesn't understand the energy he is giving me to fuck up things.

"I know, I promise it will be sincere." I say in my fake guilty voice. I had to tuck in my lips to stop the laughter. He has to be the most idiotic fuck in this world to think I'll listen. Like, I don't listen to my dad, what makes him think he's so special?

We came up to the door and walk in. I wiped all emotion from my face and I was going to go upstairs but my arm was grabbed roughly and this asshole decided to pull me the opposite direction.

"He should be in the living room." He says and of course the sight of my dad balling his eyes out onto the mysterious women's shoulder made me upset even more. She gasps and looks at me with disappointment, which is weird because what gives her the power to even look at me?

My father lifts his head up before following her gaze and he shoots up and runs to me. Asshole releases my arm and my father embraces me in his arms. If I wasn't so angry at him, I would take his hug for comfort. However, he lied to me and kept this bogus ass secret from me.

"Pudding, don't do that to me." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and I just stood there. I'm pissed off and when I'm pissed, I have no other goal but to be the biggest bitch in the universe.

"I have something to tell you pudding. This woman behind us is the one for me. She has been by my side for three years and I was with her for two without her knowing we had money. And the best part..... She's pregnant!" He says excitingly before letting me go and examining my face.

I was doing my best to ignore the whole speech but the pregnant part made my ears ring. Pregnant..... Pregnant by who? Before I could ask or open my lips, the asshole behind me spoke.

"Chris.... Again? Do you really wanna repeat this shit again? How do you know the baby is yours?!?" He was talking aggressively but he was holding back with my dad for sure.

"Adam, don't. I know the baby is mine because she has been under my supervision for three years. And she is truly a good person, I will not be blind sided again." My dad spoke to Adam but his eyes kept their place on mine.

I am pretty much fed up with this shit. My dad is literally butter in my hands; he is soft and easily melted. I just want to spill everything out, he definitely needs the tea and I don't care if the tea hurt him.

"Well, looks like I got some tea to spill as well dad."

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