Sick son of a bitch

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Jess's pov....

"Hello, my name is Courtney. I'll be your server today, can I get you two anything to drink?" She asks politely and we both nod our heads.

"I'll take a sweet tea please with a slice of lemon." I say and she nods her head and writes down my drink in her little black notepad. She turned to Adam and I got a glimpse of her shocked expression and the rose shade of her cheeks. I know, he's a fucking beauty.

"A-and, what will you have sir?" She asks, covering her face a little with the notepad. I look at Adam to see he is looking down at the menu and I don't think he's paying her any mind.

"Hm, I'm driving so I won't get too drunk. I'll take a shot of tequila and also water with a slice of lemon." He says closing the menu and I expected him to finally look up at her but he didn't. He looks straight at me and a smirk forms on his lips.

"Also, it's her birthday today." He says and I was confused why he said that to a random stranger. I roll my eyes at him and look at her and I see the result of disappointment on her face. 

Courtney is actually pretty. She has her cut into a very clean bob that's dyed a dark purple and her eyes are pale blue. She is short, probably a good 5'3 and she is slim. She seems to be around Adam's age.

Maybe she's disappointed that Adam is with someone like me and not paying attention to someone like her. I'm shocked too. I actually feel bad that he isn't showing her any appreciation.

"That's great to hear. I find it amazing that you had time to spend this night with your daughter." She says and it might be me but.... This bitch didn't sound like she cared and I feel like she just threw some shade. 

Now I don't feel bad, that's why I be so fucking mean to people. I already thought of some good words to say to her but before I could open my mouth, Adam held up a finger to me and turned to face Courtney.

"She's actually my girlfriend but thank you for complimenting her. She does look quite young. Isn't she just beautiful? From her head to her toes, and everything between." He says this with a smile but his voice was so seductive. I look at Courtney to see she is tomato red and she nods her head and quickly scurries away from the table.

"You did nothing but turn her on. You should have just let me handle it." I bitterly say and he looks at me with a confused expression before chucking and looking down at the menu. I did the same, despite my greedy ass already knowing what I wanted.

"Here are your drinks. Have you decided on anything?" She asks and I nod my head but before I could open my mouth to ask, Adam snatches my menu away. I glared at him but he didn't mind it at all.

"We'll take the platter. But instead of carrots, we'll take double the fries." He actually looks at Courtney this time and he has a smile on his face. I couldn't help but mirror that expression. Courtney nods her head and quickly makes her way to the kitchen.

"When I was younger, your dad used to order two platters to fill us up." He chuckled but the chuckle was distant. I'm intrigued at the mention of my father and him and I still have so many questions on their friendship.

"Why were you with my dad and not your parents? Wouldn't they find it odd you were hanging out with my dad?" I asked to take a sip of my tea and I nearly moaned at the perfection.

"Well.... My parents were drug addicts and they had no money and offered me up instead." He says and I look at him in shock and suddenly, I feel bad. He must have noticed my change of emotion because he continues.

"I'm actually happy they did. At first, he wouldn't accept me but then he did and they got their quick fixes. Good thing I was an only child, I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving if I had siblings." He says before taking a large gulp of water.

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