The Men

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Jess's POV.....

Daddy left the room and Amber followed. I wonder if daddy is gonna giver her a mean look like he gave me a mean look? He might not, Amber didn't do nothing wrong at all, she just heartbroken from a big fat meanie head!

"Get the fuck out of my house, the cops are on their way!" Daddy yelled and he used another potty word. Daddy always uses a potty word, he never knows how to use nice words.

"Hurry up Cody, you know I'm not supposed to be here!" I heard a man yell and two guys with black masks and clothes walked really fast past my door. Wait a minute, they aren't allowed to be up here, daddy even said that they had to leave.

I quickly run after them but in a sneaky way. I saw the man shaking the nobs of the doors, but they did not open. Daddy may have locked them, smart daddy, very smart.  "Dude, check this door!" I squinted at the door and noticed that, that is the room daddy forbids me going to. A click was heard.

"It's opened!" I gasped and both of their heads shot my way. "How did a fucking kid get here?" I quickly turned around and ran but I can hear loud footsteps behind me. "Daddy, daddy help!" I yell but the sound of people yelling to run because of cops, overpowered my voice.

I screamed as I was picked up from the ground. My scream was cut short when he covered my mouth with his hand, "Gotcha." He whispered and I was so scared that I started to cry. Daddy would have gave me a mean face for crying like a baby but I'm scared! This man might hurt me really bad.

"Listen kid, I'm gonna take my hand away from your mouth and you will be obedient and follow me to that room. But, if you disobey and scream.... I will slice that little neck of yours and you won't be able to see mommy or daddy anymore, okay." I was terrified of what he said and I nod my head to show him that I will be good.

"Good." He dropped his hand from my mouth and slowly put me down. "Grab my hand." He said and I grab his hand, his hand is very big. We made it to the door daddy tells me to stay away from and the first man opened it and went inside.

"Mister, daddy say I can't go in there." I say and I am beyond terrified to disobey daddy. The guy made a smacking noise with his lips and he picked me up and gave me the mean look. "Well daddy isn't here, what daddy doesn't know, will never hurt him." He said and I hate to say it but it males sense.

"Okay." I say and he puts me down and grab my hand again. We walk in and the man holding my hand turned on the light and my eyes widen at the pictures that were in the room.

"I mean, she is a babe." The first guy said and I looked at the pretty lady, she is so pretty. Her eyes are a pretty brown like mine! She had prettier hair than me, it was more straight and looked easy to comb through.

"I guess her name is Angela." The man holding my hand said and I smile at the pretty name. Who is she? Why are there pictures of her here? Why would daddy not want me to see the pictures? Nothing is bad about them, my eyes widen even more at a picture of her with a very pretty man.

"Were they a fucking power couple?" The one holding my hand said and I am too amazed at the picture to tell him to watch his filthy potty mouth. The other dude stared a little bit too hard at the picture, daddy always told me that people will tell you to take a picture because it lasts longer. But, they are in a picture.

"Dude, no homo... He is a very good looking dude." The one staring hard said and I don't know what 'no homo' means. "What does no ho-" I was caught off by the sound of daddy.

"Well look what we have here, two assholes that could face some serious prison time but will definitely face an ass whooping first." I smiled at daddy and tried to run to him but the mean man pulled me back and started to squeeze my hand.

"Ow, you're hurting me!" I yell and feel tears coming to my eyes. Why is the man being mean? I look at daddy and his eyes look very dark and scary, I never seen him like that. "Get the fuck away from her before I fucking kill you both!" Daddy yelled and the man picked me up and gave daddy a weird smile.

"If you want her back, we're gonna need twenty thousand dollars from you." The mean man said to daddy and I looked at daddy and he stared back at me. All of a sudden the other guy spoke.

"Twenty thousand? Are you fucking stupid? We need more than that you fucking idiot!" I frown at the man using bad language but I let it go since I am on the arms of his mean friend.

"Let her go, you can take me, I have more to offer than she does!" My eyes widen at Amber's words and I shook my head. Amber doesn't deserve to be hurt, it's all my fault, I should have warned daddy the moment I seen them. Or, they wouldn't have got in so easily if I didn't let that guy throw me a party.

"Mister, before you kill me, can I have one request?" I ask and the dude looked at me like I was crazy but he nodded his head.  "Can you sing me a song?" The dude was mean looking before but he started to have a less rough look than before.

"We should just go dude, they obviously don't got cash stashed and this little one makes my heart beat, I can't ruin innocence like that, mine was ruined." He sadly said and I gave him a big smile but then I frowned because he changed his mine really fast.

"A-are you tricking me?" I ask and he shook his head and put me down. I ran to daddy and he picked me up and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

I heard the sound of a window opening and I looked back to see the men hopping out of it.

"Hey, I can use some people like you to help around the house, it seems like you need some money." Daddy yelled and the guy gave daddy one last look before fully disappearing.

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