Ace and Cody

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Jess's POV....

I covered my mouth really tight as I hide inside the tub of Cody's room. We are playing a big game of hide and seek and I'm last person to be found. Daddy got caught first because he was on the couch watching TV. He is so silly, everyone can see you there!

"Where is she?" Cody says out loud and I want to giggle so bad but I know that me giggling would get me caught, so I swallow my giggles and keep my mouth covered. I watch as his shadow on the wall got bigger and then big hands picking me up made me scream and I laugh as I see Ace laughing.

"I found you!" He yells and I give him a big hug and I face Cody who had a frown and I reached towards him and he gave me a big big hug and I giggled.

"Yay, you find me!" I yell and they laugh and Cody started to walk out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I see daddy and I reach towards him and Cody brought me to him and placed me on his lap. I snuggle up to him and he gives Cody a nod and he leaves with Ace back up the stairs.

"You seem to like Ace and Cody." Daddy says and I nod my head super fast and he nods his head and moves me off of his lap and next to him. I frown but he didn't seem to care, like all the other days.

"Good, they will be living with us for now on and-" I scream in happiness and I clap my hands very fast. I look at daddy who looks very angry at me, what did I do? I stopped smiling and put my hands down and looked at him. He nods and his eyes made a circle before he opened up his mouth again.

"You will not bother them when we are working and you will not tell them anything personal, that is my job." Daddy says and I nod my head and he nods his head and faces the TV before turning the sound up. I try to give daddy a hug but he places a hand between us and shoos me away.

Why doesn't he love me? I go to my table in the kitchen and I put my head down. I follow all the rules he have and he still is mean to me. He is nice when he has girls over but then... He goes back to being a huge...... Poop head. I cover my mouth because if I say that out loud.... Daddy might yell at me or be more mean to me.

"What's wrong Jess?" I lift up my head and I see Ace staring at me with the same face Maria did when I told her I had a stomachache. I shake my head and put it back down. Daddy said not to bother them.... I always seem to bother people.

I hear the chair across from me making a funny noise and I lift up my head to see Ace sitting there with one of my tea cups in his hand. It was super funny because his hands are really big. I giggle and he lifted up his eyebrow as he flipped his imaginary long hair.

"Can a prince drink some tea as well?" He asks in a funny voice and I giggle and grab my tea pot and pour him some tea. "Yes you may you funny voice prince." I giggle and he flipped his long hair and gave me a shocked face. "I am a French prince madame Jess." He said as he takes a sip and I giggle.

"How could you forget about me Jess?" Another funny voice was made and I look behind me to see Cody with his hand over his chest and another on his forehead. I giggle as I get up from my seat and tug on his pants to follow me to the table. I grab his hand and we walk to an empty chair.

"Sit down by Ace." I command and as he sat down, I grab the tea cup and place it by him. I pour some tea inside and I sat down and held my cup up. "Cheers to the brave princes that came to the castle that holds danger!" I say and we all clank cups and sip from the cups

"Jess, why is it 'castle that holds danger'?" Ace asks and I thought about a way to tell them what I meant without saying names.

Adam's POV.....

I listen in closely to how she would answer the question because I am curious as to why she would say a 'castle that holds danger'. I make sure they all couldn't see me and I play with the rings on my finger as I wait on her answer.

"Well... There is the very mean dragon who doesn't want me... The princess to play with the princes, and the very mean, ugly, crazy dragon tries to boss around the princess and the princess listen all the time but the dragon never shows princess love and that's why the princess will hate the dra-"

"Enough!" I yell as I jump out from the wall and I stare at Jess in anger and the guys looked at Jess with pity as she looked down with anger. I looked at Ace and Cody and motioned them to leave. They nod and gave Jess one last look before leaving us alone.

The kitchen was quite. No one said a word but you can hear the air that Jess blew out. "Am I in trouble?" She asks and I didn't even know where to begin. She looked up and her big doe brown eyes met up with my lighter eyes. She looks like she feels guilty but I know her enough to know it is an act.

"So you think I'm a very mean, ugly, crazy dragon?" I ask and her eyes got wide before she looked back down in genuine guilt. I feel a bit hurt that she thinks I don't love her, I mean... I protect her, I give her almost everything. I turn around and leave her to think about what she said.

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