Wayne's Wedding

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Jess's pov....

Wayne picked everything for the wedding. I had no say for the dress, decorations, day, month, or time. I didn't care but for this to be my first wedding, I would have liked to at least have a say what was put on me.

He invited all of his pals and family from home. They look sweet but they created Wayne, there has to be something going on in his family. I wouldn't be able to truly know because Wayne won't let me near them.

Wayne did say that his dad was never impressed with him and all he wanted was his dad to be proud of him. He never said anything bad about them but he did talk about what they wanted for a son and Wayne is far from it.

"Honey, everyone is looking at you." Wayne harshly whispers and I finally slipped back into reality. Wow, I was on autopilot and somehow made it to the altar.

"Oh, I.... Well, I..." I gulp in-between my words. I look down and wince at the feeling of Wayne squeezing my hands. I look up at him and he looks furious. It took me three months to get to know Wayne and no month was easy. He will seriously hurt me if I don't answer.

"I do." I say quickly and before the priest gave us permission, Wayne yanks me to him and smashed his lips on mine. I pretend this is what I wanted and it sorta makes me feel better.

Despite this western themed wedding and this plain; simple, and ugly wedding dress, I was able to get through it. This is just a step closer to freedom and I can't wait for it.

The after party was in the large ballroom within the house. I remember Wayne going through music to play at the wedding and one song stuck out in particular. The reason for that would be the odd transition from country to metal. The metal song was the last song he picked.

Wayne and I did a total of two dances together and he made sure to give everyone a show. He kissed me, smiled down at me, and showed everyone the act of being a gentleman. Everything he fucking wasn't.

At the beginning of our third dance, Reyes interrupted us and whispered something in Wayne's ear. Wayne nodded and they left to handle whatever was needed to handle.

"I can tell you make our son very happy." A woman's voice pulled my eyes away from the men and into the eyes of Wayne's parents and grandmother. Okay Jess, play it safe and make them believe you're happy.

"He makes me happy. I couldn't ask for another husband." I say with the fakest smile I can muster. His dad grabs my hand and holds it tightly in his. The smile he had soon dropped and he looks at me with seriousness.

"You're here against your will. No way did that fucking lunatic score a woman as graceful as you. No one could love someone so evil and on top of that, he's a fucking fruit loop. No way you satisfy him the way you think you do." He says and I can't find myself being offended because I'm just happy they can help me.

"Is there any way you can call for help? Please, I just wanna go home." I say and I try to hold my excitement. I look around to make sure we aren't being heard. Everyone else is busy making jokes, drinking, smoking, and eating.

"We were taken from our homes too. That fruit loop woke me up out of my sleep. I was gonna kill him but he already took my gun from under my bed." Wayne's father looked up in the sky, it seems like he is replaying what happened to himself.

"We should have terminated him when we had a chance. I knew he would be a good for nothing bastard when I looked at him. A poor excuse of a fucking son. Plus, he's a fucking fruit loop." He harshly whispers and I hold back my thoughts on this term 'fruit loop'.

Wayne's sexuality has nothing to do with him being a bad person. Wayne being a murderer, a sadistic man, a kidnapper, a fucking bad human being is what makes him a BAD human being. I just nod my head because if they were taken, they most likely didn't have time to grab a phone. Fuck.

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