She made her bed

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Chris's POV...

"Ace, I need to know where the next drop off will be for the supplies. We are already behind schedule for the next shipment." I scramble through the contracts of all my deals and I groan in annoyance.

I'm getting too old for this shit! I stand up from my office chair and punch my desk until my knuckles bleed. So much is going on in a short amount of time.

"Chris, you won't be able to get anything done in a hospital." I look up to see Cody leaning on the doorframe. I sigh and examine my hands, the skin is split but not too badly.

"Can you get Maria for me?" I say and he lazily nods and leaves. A second later, Ace pops up and he has papers in his hands and a Starbucks cup in the other.

"Here, you haven't slept a wink." He says passing me the cup. I don't hesitate to take a sip of the coffee. It's hot and strong, no sugar and no cream, just the way I like it. Jess hated plain coffee, she always preferred a frappé with extra syrup and whip cream. I shake my head to get rid of her in my thoughts.

"How can I sleep when there is so much to do?" I ask and he shakes his head and gathers all the papers on the desk and scans through a couple. After a minute of silence and sounds of paper flipping, Ace speaks.

"Chris, I think you should talk to Jess." Ace randomly says. I stop drinking my coffee and put the cup down on the desk. I look Ace in the eyes and shake my head.

"If you think for a second that Jess would talk to me.... You're an idiot. She needs to have her space and she needs someone who will put her in a better path. She will be exposed to the real world soon.... She needs Adam's help." I say but I feel like I'm convincing myself that.

"Chris.... If you can just give me a chance to speak to her, I can-." I cut him off by slamming my already injured hand on the desk. The coffee from my cup swooshes and droplets splatter onto the desk and papers.

"No, she made her bed and will lay in it. Ace, don't interfere with my arrangements for MY daughter. You're the one who always told me that I needed to give her harsher discipline, don't be a fucking pussy about it now." I snap and Ace looks down and storms out of the office.

"You could be a lot nicer Chris, I refuse for our child to be raised with a bitter dad." I turn my head to my visibly upset fiance. I look her over and couldn't help the small smile forming on my lips.

Her braids are up in a bun, she has on her pink silk night gown, and fluffy slippers. She is so beautiful, the way her brown skin glows beneath the colors gives her a goddess aura.

"I'm just stressing over work.... Come distract me." I say with a smirk and she instantly smirks and walks over to me.

Jess's POV.....

Adam left early this morning to do god knows what and I'm here alone with the staff. I didn't want to just stay in my room all day, so, I am currently walking through the halls and opening up the doors that I can.

It's a bit weird that a lot of these doors are locked. Maybe the staff members stay in some of these rooms. I am pretty bored of the high levels, so I decided to make my way down the stairs.

Everyone seems to be busy. Some are on their phones with serious faces and others are cleaning and carrying freshly cleaned blankets.

My eyes set on a familiar face. The blonde looks stressed out and confused, hmm, I'm pretty sure I looked stressed when she decided to help tie me to a chair. I walk to her and she immediately glares at me.

"Adam does not want any of your shit today. You shouldn't be down here." She snaps and if I didn't have the fear of getting my ass beat by Adam, I would have punched this bitch in the face.

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