Bloody Soup

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Adam's POV.....

"She's still in the shower Adam. I did tell her that the food will get cold and you are growing impatient." Cathy sighs before taking out her handkerchief.

She gently wipes away her sweat off of her red face. I can tell she is exhausted, Jess seems to have that effect on people.

I nod and she scurries off to the direction of the break room. I grab my shot glass filled with tequila, I smile at the lime and salt neatly laid near me and treated myself to it. The familiar flavors calm me.

"You should definitely give me a shot of that." My eyes shoot towards a smirking Jess, all the calm I had before disappears. I rolled my eyes at how creative she got with the clothes I gave her.

She managed to tie the shirt and pants to make it more tight around her. I am actually impressed that she didn't get her hair wet, her hair flat hair laid messily on her shoulders. I purposely told Cathy to take out the shower caps, I wanted Jess to be irritated.

"I don't give grown up beverages to children." I smirk back.

Jess's POV......

Fucking prick. I sit down annoyed with the catastrophe they call "lunch". The audacity to have some type of soup with saltine crackers on the side.

This soup reminds me of a period accident. It is dark red with chunks of thickness floats around. I mentally throw up at the random bubble coming up from the soup and popping.

"I'm not eating this shit." I say pushing the bowl back. The only thing good about the scenery is the gray and black swirl design of the bowl.

"Eat your lunch Jess, you will not get another chance to eat until dinner." Adam says scooping up some soup with a saltine. I shake my head and scoot back my chair to get up.

"I wasn't giving you an option. Eat your fucking food Jess." Adam snaps as he slams his hand on the table. I flinch a little but still had enough courage to meet his stare.

"You can't make me do anything Adam. I don't care what Chris told you, you have no fucking power over me. I'm not eating bloody soup for anyone." I snap back while standing up. I look away from Adam for a second due to movement coming from the corner of my eye.

All of the maids around took steps back. Is that some kind of ritua-. My thoughts were cut off by a hand pushing me back into the chair. I didn't have time to even react before my hands became one with the chair.

"You're taping me to the fucking chair?!?" I yell in shock. Adam was really taping me to the chair. A women who I have not met, appears and she began working on my ankles. Something about her seems off to me and not because she is helping this lunatic tie me.

Her blonde hair is in a sleek ponytail. She had more of a costume type of maid outfit. I'm not one to judge on the actions of others, but it does seem like she is unreasonably pressing her butt against Adam.

"You will eat this fucking soup. I don't have time for this shit, you better accept every bit of it!" I watch as he picks up the bowl and scoop a large spoonful of soup.

The woman moved out of the way and ran back to her place with the other maids. I pressed my lips tight together and turn away. Adam let's out a dramatic sigh before slamming his hand on the table.

I let out a little scream when I feel him kick the legs of the chair, causing the chair to fall back. I was now facing the the plain black ceiling and a smirking Adam. He is so fucking lucky I didn't hit my head.... How didn't I hit my head?

"What the fuck is wrong with yo-." I was cut off by Adam pouring the soup in my mouth. I was about to spit it out but his hands covered my mouth and nose.

I move my head all kind of directions to break away from his grip but that made him squish down even more. My chest tightens from the lack of oxygen and the need to breathe became a bit severe. I hold on for a few more seconds but I'm not built for any longer, so... I just gave in to what he wanted.

I swallowed the plain, undesirable, and cold soup. Adam smirks and repeats the action until all the soup was gone. I felt my stomach churn when he lifted the chair back up.

"Why make things difficult Jess?" He asks as he gets on his knees to cut through the tape that binded my legs. I didn't answer his question, answering his question might give my stomach an excuse to just push the vomit through.

He made me eat something I didn't want to. This fucking prick had the audacity to tape me to a chair and suffocate me for some fucking soup. I felt nothing but anger, I just want to punch this dick in his face. I can't be here, if he was able to do some shit like that..... What else would he go far to do?

I stay calm to not give him a hint or feeling that I'm about to cause a little trouble. Looking forward at the table, I spot a glass plate. Hm, that looks heavy enough. He was still on his knees when he frees my hands, so I took his vulnerability to my advantage and reach for the plate.

The cold dish was heavy and I bet Adam will be able to agree. He didn't get a chance to look up because I raised the plate above my head and smashed it over his head. He topples over on his back but I frown seeing him conscious.... Fuck.

Gasps filled the room and I look over at the shocked and horrified staff. I could care less about them doing anything, they just stand there with no intention to actually move their asses.

"Looks like you just got fucked you prick." I say with a giggle to Adam. I look at his exposed jeans and decided to give myself some more time to run. So I kick him twice in his balls and smile when I hear him yell in agony.

And with that, I took the fuck off. I almost slip on the floors with my socks but I made it into a skating ring and glided to the front door. I quickly open the door and run into the quite woods or forest. Hell.... I just know this shit got trees.

I didn't mind little sticks smacking against my skin or the little pebbles and sticks digging into my foot. I rather that than dealing with Adam. It's like the universe thought I called on him because I hear yelling and sticks breaking behind me.

I push myself to go faster, I dive under a log and scurry away as fast as I can. I know for a fact that he is stronger than I am physically, however, I refuse to bow down to this man. I wince as a sharp pain shoots across me from my foot. I felt myself running a little slower but I still push through.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Jess!" Adam yells and I look back to see he is very close behind me. You see, I'm the kind of person that gets annoyed when that one character in horror movies look back at the killer when they run because they always fall . And of course, my dumbass decided to do the same thing, so by the time I face forward, I smack against a tree.

All the air I had left in my lungs are smacked out as I fall back onto the ground. My head smacks against something rough and I swear I felt like the cartoon characters as shapes and colors circle above me. I close my eyes at the sudden sleepiness that came over me.

Adam's pov......

I watch as she stays still on the ground. I stop at her body and see her head laid on a half cut log. Shit, she definitely put herself to sleep. I bend down and scoop her body up to carry her back home.

"You are in so much trouble when we get back. Get your rest and prepare for an ass whooping of your life." I say as I stomp through the leaves.

My balls didn't deserve the kick they received. But the chance of me never being able to have kids makes up for it. I haven't seen Jess since she was small and she gave me enough reasons to not slip up back then. Now, she reminded me again to keep condoms.

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