Much Time Left

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Jess's pov.....

"Happy birthday to you!" I sing to my baby boy and he giggles and kisses me on the cheek. William is indeed a spitting image of his father, but he has a gentle heart and a pure soul.

"I'm finally six, that means I can protect you better than I did when I was five!" He cheers and I place my hand on his head and ruffle up his wavy blonde hair. His obsession with protecting me is adorable but I don't want him getting hurt.

"I'm the mom, I'm supposed to protect you. Now, let's go get you ready for a bath." I say and he nods in agreement and we both make our way to his room. He rarely sleeps in here but Wayne doesn't know that.

I start the water and put in the soap to make bubbles and place him inside. He giggles and plays with the bubbles as I pick up the mess in his bathroom. He hates it when I try to clean him because he believes he's grown. So, I just let him do his own thing.

"Mommy, can you hand me the washcloth and shampoo please?" He asks and I smile at his manners and hand him both a washcloth and the shampoo. He pours a handful of shampoo in his hand and places it on his head. I giggle at his cuteness before continuing my cleaning.

Adam's pov.....

"Adam, it's been years. I'm not even sure Chris visits the house anymore." Cody sighs as he cleans up the mess he made in the kitchen. I'm tired of this, I know what I heard in the bar. Chris is back and if he's back.... She's with him.

"Just... Call Maria first. I don't want another feud between us and them. We almost got executed by Ace last month. This shit is getting old and I'm sure Jess has moved o-." I interrupt him by standing up from my seat and glaring at him. Jess would never move on from me.... Hell, if she did, I will make sure that guy goes missing.

"Fine. Just call Maria and ask her if they are there." He sighs and I groan in frustration because I've called so many times over the years and the only one picking up is Ace. I pull out my phone and call the house phone.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello, this is Maria speaking." My eyes widen in surprise and my heart warms at her soft tone. I missed her and I wonder if she hates me as much as Chris and Ace.

"Maria, it's Adam." I say softly into the phone. I hear a gasp and she speaks in her native language and as much as she taught me, I was only able to understand a few things.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry for being an ass, I love you too, and no... I am not laid up with a whore." I chuckle and I hear her praise the Lord for me calling and then her praising stops and I hear her sigh.

"Have you found Jess? Is that why you're calling me? Please tell me you found her. Ace and Chris have been trying for years... I'm so scared mijo." She cries and my breathing stops at her words.

"W-what?" I ask, I have to make sure I heard this right. And if I did.... I'm on a killing spree. She starts to cry even harder and I knew I wasn't going to get an answer unless I went there to her.

"I'm on my way." I growl before hanging up the phone and storming out of the kitchen.

William's pov.......

I watch as my mom sleeps and she is truly beautiful. She is so kind, loving, and... She's always honest with me. Yet, I'm not any of those things. The things I've seen and done would disgust her and she wouldn't love me anymore.

Her door opens and uncle Robbie pops his head in. I slowly leave the bed, making sure she doesn't wake up, she rarely gets to sleep because of me. I don't like leaving the room... I can't protect her if I'm not with her, he said so.

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