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Jess's pov....

I sit silently in the car and wait for Adam and Don. It's amazing how much influence one person can have over people. Wayne has a person on the inside who poses as a cop.

Knowing that's the case, Reyes would eventually find out who called. I wanted to check up on the brave older woman and Brandon but the ambulance had taken them both to get treated for their injuries.

When if a man that played his part like Reyes was also in the ambulance. Probably looked like a friendly paramedic, eager to help and eager to get the job done. The thought terrified me enough to cause a shiver.

Wayne kissed me like he had an agenda. He even gave me a heads up that we will see each other again. I would probably be all happy and excited if I met Wayne in a different way. Even his kiss had me in my head, my body rebelled against my mind and I moaned.

The sound of the car doors opening and closing grabs my attention and both Adam and Don hop in. Don puts on his seatbelt and starts the car up before backing out of the parking. We finally drive out the lot and onto the road again.

The car is filled with silence. I feel uneasy tension happening with Adam. I didn't tell what happened in the cafe, Reyes made sure of that. So, he couldn't be upset with me about that.

It feels like forever had passed and possibly forever to go. The silence is defeanig and the air seems to be thick with unspoken words. The silence was only cut by Don.

"Thank you for doing what you did Jess. I feel horrible telling you that but you don't understand how much another day to live means." Don says gratefully. I give a small smile and nod my head.

"Thank yo-." I was cut off by the laughter of Adam. His laugh isn't heartfelt or genuine, it seems to be the perfect laugh for a man in an asylum. What's his problem? What was funny?

"Thank you? You got to be fucking joking.... How can we all sit here and pretend what she did was smart?" He booms smacking the dashboard with his hand. I jump a little and I stare at him in bewilderment.

What in the fuck is that suppose to mean? What I did wasn't smart? He has to be talking about me speaking with a cop alone, right? No way could it be about me protecting them from Wayne...

"How could you be so fucking weak? You talk a big game and all that shit but the minute something goes down, you just give yourself up!" I couldn't help that my jaw fell in shock. He is mentioning the events with Wayne.

"It's like you wanted to get fucked. You did so fucking much Jess... He touched you like you were his and you let him!" He punches his own hand and I flinch at his words. I wanted to be fucked? Is he.... Blaming me?

"What was I suppose to do Adam? Let him put a bullet into your skull? I'm many things but a selfish fuck isn't one of those things. He would have made me do it whether you stayed alive or no-." He cuts me off by leaning his seat back.

He makes himself get into a crawling position and got real close to my face. I hold his eyes, despite me being extremely terrified of him being this close. His eyes are brown right now.... Dark and soulless.

"Your father made you weak. You made yourself look like a fucking object. He touched you Jess.... He put his fucking hands in places he shouldn't and you gave him permission." He says scornfully and the car stops.

Adam leans in due to the brake and our noses touch before his hands stretch to the top of seat to keep him from smashing into me. I want to strangle him, punch him, hell... I wish I had a gun to shoot him with.

Leave it to Adam to make me the bad guy. He is so ungrateful, if I wasn't so morally bound, I would do everything again but instead... Let Wayne put a fucking bullet in him.

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