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Wayne's pov....

I've been watching this prick and his dad for awhile now, it brings me joy to find out that Austin is responsible for leaking my girl's video. 

But what drives me truly manic is to know that his father joined in some kind of threesome with them before. I find it hot and I find it convenient. Reyes and I shouldn't scare her if she's taken two guys at once before.

The dad is a true fool. He should hide his drives better than he did. It's so cliche to hide things in a lame makeshift grave. I watch through the crack of the closet as Austin masturbates for the second time today. 

I would never be eighteen and giving myself some pleasure. I would be out there fucking someone's throat until they begged to breathe. What a waste of youth. I shake my head at the poor lonely boy and right on que, the sounds of glass breaking and screams interrupts him.

I silently chuckle at him being startled. He quickly but silently slides off the bed and heads towards me. I smirk as I ball my fist up, ready to start the night but he turns towards the door.

I hope he isn't stupid enough to go down there. I almost let out a breath of relief at the sound of him going through a drawer. Oh, he's looking for the gun his dad gave him in case of emergencies like this one. I take the gun out of my jacket with a smile.

"What the fuck, I put it in here!" He whispers and I bite my lip in excitement. Come to the closest Austin, come get the gun daddy gave you. 

He came back into my view and as he opens the door and sees me pointing a gun to his chest, I smile like a kid on Christmas. He held up his hands and I looked him over, he didn't even put on clothes yet. 

My attention is taken by Reyes opening the door. Reyes looked relieved to see me but as his eyes took in the sight of Austin, his jaw clenched and he walked up and punched him square in the jaw.

"Baby, you know I don't go for blondes." I tease and Reyes ignores me and looks through his closet. I walk up behind Reyes and lick the sweat off of his neck.

"Just you and Jess. That's all I will need to be happy, you know that." I say to him and he gives a quick nod and I mentally laugh at how pathetic he can be at times.

However, my words do ring true. Reyes is my most trusted man and Jess.... I just need that excitement for a fight. I wouldn't kill her but I will make her wish I did. Like a toy, a toy I want to use when I'm bored of the other. 

I leave the room completely and walk down to see the mess my men made. My eyes roam over the walls as I walk down the hall. My attention is captured by a portrait of Jess kissing Austin's cheek. That's creepy, even for me and I have a portrait of myself naked in my kitchen.

Darren's pov....

I scream as loud as I can but I knew it would be no use. Most of my neighbors are out hunting or in a deep sleep. I should have taken Michael on that offer to hunt, I wouldn't be here and instead of dying... I would get to "mourn" Austin.

"I'm an officer, if you idiots think for one second that you'll get away with this, you're a fucking fool!" I yell and they all just stand there looking at me.

I guess being tied down to a chair doesn't come off as intimidating to them. It's something I'm not use to, I'm the guy with the badge, the gun, the fucking taser.... Now, I'm just a guy tied up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Darren. You should have been more careful with the steps you did to cover up your dirty secrets." I turn my head to my right to see a tall guy with a fucking cowboy hat on. This must be a fucking joke.

"Oh, howdy partner!" I laugh and I couldn't help but giggle like a little school girl at this fucking clown. He won't pop a fucking pimple and if I was let loose, I would destroy him from the inside out.

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