20 minutes

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Adam's POV....

"Your brother will not be let out for an long time and I can guarantee you that it might be close to the point where that baby will be thirty years old and have teenage children." He smirked and I glared at him and raised from my seat.

"He will be out before you do everyone a favor and stop breathing and looking at you now, that isn't very far away." I smirked before picking up the car seat that has an sleeping Jess inside. And I walked away from him trying my absolute best not to strangle his ugly ass.

I stopped in my tracks as I notice that I don't know where Chris is. I walk back to fat ass and glare at him, he just irks me. He has this 'I am a racist piece of shit' flow to him, I don't like that shit.

"Well since he is obviously going to prison, you can say your goodbyes and go home." He said as he pats my shoulder and I had to refrain myself from beating his ass with Jess's car seat. He started walking back where he had came from and I followed along deep in my thoughts about Chris.

He waddled his ass to an door and opened it. The room was filled with booths that separated teacher with windows, an person on each side. I lost my track of thought when an lady started to cry loud as she hit the window. A cop ran in and dragged her out.

"He is right here so y'all can talk, you got twenty minutes." I broke from my thoughts and quickly saw an deep in thought Chris through a window. I sat Jess's car seat down and pulled out the chair. Chris looked up at me and grabbed the phone that was hooked and I copied his actions.

"You look like shit." He said laughing but I kept a straight face because this is an serious situation we are in. He noticed that I wasn't laughing and sighed.

"Are you going to be in prison for a long time?" I asked trying not to show any emotion but knowing Chris, he can see right through me. He chuckled and crinkled his nose a little bit. I frown because nothing is funny about this situation.

Chris POV....

I am trying to lighten up the mood but Adam is refusing to make this situation laughable. I know that he is going to hate my guts when I tell him how long I will be in prison but he has to understand that I know what and what not to do so he has to chill.

"Oh my lord, Adam you are growing an mustache!" I said as I notice the little hairs that are becoming visible on top of his upper lip. He is growing up so fast, I remember him being excited that he had grown a piece of hair under his armpits, that boy is a character. Adam gave me an blank stare so I know he is not budging.

Adam's POV.....

"Cut the crap Chris and answer the question because this is serious." I said as calmly as I can and Chris sighed before rubbing his head. He does that when he is extremely stressed so I know this isn't a good sign. He looked me dead in my eyes and blinked.

"I got twelve years." He said and I felt everything melt away as I stared at Chris behind this fucking window and desk, the thing that is separating the only family I know. He looked down and I know he is ashamed of himself and I don't know if I agree he should be or not. I look down as Jess and tried not to show my sadness.

"I need you to take care of Jessica Adam, until I get out and when I do we can all put this shit behind us but for now Adam, I need you." He said as calm as he can but I can see how desperate he is right now.

"Chris, I can't take care of an child let alone a baby." I said as I look down at Jessica and I couldn't see me doing an amazing job taking care of her. I heard an sniffle and it wasn't coming from Jessica. I look at Chris to see him cover I g his face with his hands and shaking.

"I am a horrible father, I don't deserve to have a daughter or a good friend, I am a waste of fucking space." He said and I could only hear him because he sat the phone down and leaned towards it. I didn't like what he was saying because it isn't true and it is making me have second thoughts.

"Stop Chris, I'll do it." I said into the phone and he shot his head up at me and his bloodshot eyes met my hazel ones. He touched the glass and gave me an small and reassuring smile but all I did was stare at him because just looking at this situation is already telling me that I have hell to work through before he comes out.

"I can't thank you enough Adam, I am so happy that I chosed you to be her Godfather." He said as he pit his hand down and I have him a nod and looked down to see a frowning Jessica.

"You wanna see Jess?" I asked and his eyes lit up like candle lights in a dark ass room. He nod his head and I wanted to laugh at his way of trying to be tough and act like he is a total bad ass when really he wants to make baby sounds to make Jess laugh. I picked her up and made her face her dad.

"There's your dad Jess." I said awkwardly and Chris rolled his eyes at me and pit his focus back on Jess who is frowning. It's like she knows something isn't right, nah. Babies don't know shit even if it was handed to them. Chris touched the glass and motioned me to bring her closer to the glass that is keeping them apart.

I couldn't say anything for him to hear me because both hands are supporting Jess and I really would just hold her with one hand but last time I did that Chris had a major yelling and cussing spree. He put his hand on the glass like he did with me and my eyes widen when Jess did the same.

I couldn't see her face but I seen Chris's face and it looked very lost in thought but focused on his daughter. A tear slipped from his eyes and I watch Jess put her other hand on the glass and I swear I heard her make a little noise. Chris motioned me to get back on the phone so I pit Jess back in the car seat and buckled her up before going back to Chris who already had the phone up to his ear and I copied his actions.

"Adam, I know it is gonna be one hell of a ride before I get back to the both of you and I can't thank you enough for this." He said and he had the look of regret in his eyes. He better be ficking thankful, but I also have to remind d myself how he risked his life for me.

"Times up!"


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