Pillows and Sheets

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Jackson's pov.....

I stare at my phone in disbelief as my boyfriend continues to text complete bullshit.

Jamie🍑: Stop calling me and texting.... I can't do this with you anymore

Me: What do you mean? You better not be saying what I think you're saying.

Jamie🍑: Jack... I can't come out. My family won't accept it and I'm already being forced to be with a woman.

Me: So.... It was okay for me to tell my business to the world about loving you and you can't return the favor?

Jamie🍑: Don't do that! I didn't make you tell anybody. You did that to yourself.

Me: Bullshit. I did that because you didn't believe that I love you. You told me to prove it! I proved it and you pull this shit.

Jamie🍑: I'm not gonna argue about this, I'm not gonna talk to you or message you. We are through Jack. You're not worth me losing my family or inheritance. Bye.

That last message tore a hole into my heart and I felt my world crumble around me. I'm not worth losing anything over.... I find myself walking to God knows where and to my surprise, I enter a familiar room.

"Knocking must be fucking foreign." Jess snaps but I don't feel offended. I can tell she just got dressed and her room smells like coconut and whatever the other part of it is. Jamie likes the smell of coconut.

"Sorry.... I just.... Let's go swimming after breakfast." I say and Jess nods her head and make her way to me. I can tell she is searching my face for something and I pray I'm not being easy to read.

"I don't know how to swim... Fully. I can float and I can doggy paddle but not for a long time." She confesses and I raise my eyebrows in amusement. She holds up her left hand to cease any question I may have.

"I'm aware I fit into the stereotype of black people not knowing how to swim." She says rolling her eyes and to my surprise, she manages to get me to smile. That's what I need, a reason to just smile.

"I'll teach you, I'm just.... I don't know." I stop talking and gently push through her to get to her bed. I sit down and I try my best to not freak out. Jamie just broke up with me over text..... OVER TEXT. He wants to be with a woman..... He's fucking gay!

I hear the door close and seconds later, Jess pulls me to her. I lay my head on her lap and fix my body to lay across the bed. I look up at her and she looks down at me.

"Gonna tell me why you're so upset? I mean.... You don't have to tell me the truth, I'll still hold you if you need that." She says and I shake my head and look up at the ceiling. Jess barely met me... And here she is comforting me.

"I got dumped over text." I whisper and Jess gasps and shakes her head. I feel her hands in my hair and I close my eyes at the gentle touch. We are consumed by comfortable silence and I appreciate it more than she'll ever know.

If Jamie doesn't love me the way I love him.... He doesn't deserve it. I risked so much for him and he spat in my fucking face. I open my eyes to a smirking Jess and I raise an eyebrow.

"Fuck him. Let's go have some fucking fun in the pool. We can come back here and watch some movies about gay guys fucking and finding new love." She says wiggling her eyebrows and I laugh loudly at that.

We both start to laugh and I'm not sure why. Her laugh is contagious and when she starts to snort, I lose it again. Tears come out of my eyes and I'm so grateful that it's due to me being happy and not sad.

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