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Jess's pov....

Time flies by fast when you're enjoying life and not trying to fight someone all the time. I chew on some gum as Adam pumps gas into the car. I can't believe I slept this long the day he took me to his place. 

"Hey hottie." I turn my head a little to see the owner of that voice and I roll my eyes at the flirty brunette. She was a skinny thing with boobs made of jelly and lips thinner than my fucking patience of her talking to my man.

"I wanted to know if you could help me pump my gas? I keep spilling oil and no one wants to help me." She asks and I eternally giggle at her ass. Adam wouldn't help a fucking old lady across the street, he sure ain't helping this bitch.

"Sure, just show me your car and I'll make sure to get that done for you." He says shrugging and I immediately feel possessed as I slowly turn my head forward and cock my head to the side.

The fuck? I know damn well he didn't just.... Did he just? Calm down Jess, he's just pumping gas for a woman, she probably felt unsafe. Wait, but she was like, 'Hey hottie'.... That bitch ain't in distress. I grit my teeth and cross my arms, if he thinks for a second I'll speak to him.... Fuck him.

I sat there for what felt like hours but I know it truly wasn't. I vision scenarios of me walking out this car and finding him fucking her..... It doesn't end well for the both of them. Her boobs are popped and his dick is snatched from his body.

"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here so we can make it to the baby shower." Adam's voice brings me back to reality and I fight the urge to ask him questions or look at him. All of a fucking sudden he wants to be a nice guy.

Even though I didn't wanna talk to him, it annoyed me that he also said nothing. Does he not notice that I'm pissed at him right now? So, to get his attention, I huff and shake my head.

"Jess, you're being a baby. Instead of getting pissed about nothing, just ask me if anything happened." He says, and I turn my head to him and pout. Why should I have to ask him about her? Why can't he just reassure me nothing happened?

"Jess, nothing happened. I already told you where my head is set and it's not on anyone but you." His words give me warmth and I immediately want to give him warmth. Why does he have to say the right thing? I stare at him and appreciate seeing him in some color.

He decided to wear a baby blue shirt and black jeans. He gives me a quick glance and a smile breaks on his face. I want to see him do more than smile, I want to see him quiver. I want to see how he looks when he's desperate.

"You okay?" He asks and I nod my head. I reach over the armrest and touch his thigh. He tenses and I smirk at that reaction. I rub the area in circles before my fingers make their way to his zipper.

"Jess, your dad wants us there by sundown." Adam warns and I ignore him as I pull the zipper down and unzip his pants. I smirk because for someone so concerned.... He's not stopping me when I  pull his already hard dick out.

"You know... You never asked me to suck you off. You just pleased me and then fucked me to sleep." I say as I run my hands up and down his shaft. His hands grip the wheel tighter and I smirk in satisfaction.

"Jess, we have to get there on time and how could we explain cum on our fucking clothing?" His teeth chattered a little and I broke into a goofy ass smile for sure. A bunch of nonsense is coming out his mouth, he knows he wants it.

"Adam, I won't waste a single drop. I know how to clean up after myself." I seductively whisper as I lower my face to Adam's hard and veiny dick. I continue to jack him off but I go slower. A groan comes from Adam and I smirk before opening my mouth and sticking the tip of his dick in.

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