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Jess's pov......

I laid on the grass next to Adam and we both laugh at God knows what. I don't remember how I got here or why I'm here but I feel warm and safe next to Adam.

"I only want you Jess. Fuck that bitch with the neon hair, she means nothing to me. You, you mean the world to me Jess." He whispers and I yelp when he pulls me on top of him. I straddle his hips and he playfully groans when I move a little.

"I love this." I say pointing between him and myself. He smiles before rising up and capturing my lips with his. I moan onto them and I slowly grind on him. He moans onto my lips and the vibration earns a moan from me as well.

"Adam." I moan and quickly flips us and kisses me roughly on my neck. I kept moaning out his name and it was like I could only say his name.

"Adam!" I moan louder when he pushes my legs apart and fingers me. His finger curls and I start to move my hips to match his pace. He adds another finger and I groan in frustration. I don't want his fingers I want his fucking dick.

"Adam, p-please Adam!" I pleaded and I went from being the one fingered to being the person watching Adam finger me. I can still feel his fingers and that excited me but my eyes caught a glimpse of a man standing over us.

D-Don... That's Don! I stare in horror at the image of Adam fucking me and my eyes are closed shut, not noticing Don with a knife to the man's neck. I tried to scream to warn myself but my lips didn't move.

I raise my hand to my lips and panic at the feeling of my lips not being there. I stare back and see a smiling Don and Adam facing me and the man screams but the me that lays on the ground seems not to notice. I feel the orgasm threatening to come and Adam fingers her harder.

"Enjoy this Jessica, enjoy every murderous finger I stick in you." He whispers to her and I watch as Don slits the man's throat over me and Adam. All of the man's blood pours over us as I orgasm and Adam kisses my lips as the blood covers our faces.

She had an orgasm while a man just died. She..... Me.... I had one. I start to scream but the screams are muffled. I scream and scream as the blood blocks all vision I have.

My eyes shot open and I rise up to a sitting position on my bed. I breathe like I've run miles without stopping. My body shakes violently and I feel drenched in sweat. That dream was so vivid it was so.... Shameful.

"I dream about you too Jess." My body stiffens and my breathing comes to a complete halt by Adam's voice. I was looking forward, and my ears detected he's to my right. I slowly turn my head to face him. There he sat comfortably on a chair with a fast food bag and a soda.

"Except, it doesn't end with me screaming in horror but I understand. You weren't supposed to see that Jess, I never wanted you to be exposed to something like that. Not that way." He says getting up from the chair and handing me the food.

Believe it or not. I was scared to grab the bag. When if he poisoned my food so he can keep the murder a secret? When if the food contains the flesh of that man? The second thought made me feel lightheaded.

"Cool, you can leave my room now. I don't want to see you, Don, or that psychotic bitch ever again." I snap and I'm not sure what gave me courage to say that, I just did. Adam chuckles and sits back in the chair. His eyes remain on me and like always, he manages to hide his emotions. Well, what psycho has any?

"I'm not leaving until you finish all of your food. So hurry Jess, eat the fucking food I bought for you." He says sinisterly and at this point, I fully believe he did something. How dare he mess with my fucking head like this. I pretend I'm gonna drink my drink before quickly throwing it and the food at Adam.

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