Pull Over

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Adam's pov.....

I twist the knife deeper into his skull and then I slightly pull it out. For good measure, I stab into his eye fifty more times to ensure that this bastard is dead. I wanted pigs to eat him but this is okay.

I turn around to leave the room but stop in my tracks at the little body in front of me. There stood the exact replica of Wayne. It concerns me how much he looks like him, he doesn't look like Jess in the slightest.

"I need your help to get uncle Robbie out of the basement. My dad wanted to kill my mom and uncle Robbie tried to tell her but Reyes stopped him." He says and I nod my head. He turns around and dashes to the left. I quickly follow him, I don't want to lose this kid and have Jess worry.

However, who is this 'uncle Robbie'? Is he an uncle because of Wayne or because of Jess? Does Jess know this guy? Does she like him? I mentally slap myself for getting into that line of questioning. My jealousy is already at its peak and I haven't been with her for more than five minutes.

"Here we are." He says and I was about to tell him the door could be locked by he pulls what seems to be a bobby pin from his pocket and started to pick the lock. What the fuck? What does he know about picking locks? How old is this kid? It was seconds before he got the door open and I'm very impressed.

"Come on!" He orders and I raise an eyebrow because I find it a bit sketchy that he trusts me enough to be around him. I also find it weird he claims to have this uncle in a basement and expects me to follow. Given by this boy's appearance, he isn't an innocent kid.

"I won't kill you or anything. You killed Wayne for me, I'm in your debt." He says and I find it odd he is okay with me killing his dad. Hell, I find it odd he knows about killing and debt. He speaks like he's been on earth for a long time.

I nod my head but I follow him through the dark stairs with caution. He flicks on a light mid journey down the stairs and I felt more relaxed being able to see around. Once we made it downstairs I notice a man with half dark green hair and half black hair, laying on a bed.

"Uncle Robbie, you gotta wake up. We have to leave!" William shouts and Robbie jumps at the sound. He rubs his eyes and as soon as he seen William, he hops off the bed quickly and engulfs him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry William. I swear, I'll always be here to watch over you, your mom's death will be avenged and I will slaughter Wayne and Reyes in their fucking sleep." He promises and this had me sit back and really think about everything. Jess was supposed to die tonight, if we had waited another day..... I ball my fists at that thought.

"She's alive, this man and others helped us kill them. My dad is dead and soon Reyes will be dead." He says with excitement and I start to wonder how bad it must have been for this kid to be excited about another's death.

"Thank you so much sir, I wouldn't be the same without my Jess and William." Robbie says with a smile and though he is being polite, I want to punch him in his fucking face. Why did he say 'my' before Jess's name. Do I have to fight this guy to prove to her that I don't share?

"I need the both of you to grab those duffle bags for me." William says as he points at a pile of black duffle bags in the corner. I nod and follow Robbie to them. We both carry two each. One bag feels heavy and the other is a bit lighter. William goes to a cabinet that was close to the bed and he pushes it to the side a little before reaching behind it.

"Got it." He says with a smirk and I watch as he pulls out a black folder. What does he need that for? What is it? William makes his way to a mini fridge and pops open the door before pulling out a bottle of beer.

"Thirsty?" He asks and both Robbie and I shake our heads. William shrugs and like a fucking pro, he pops the cap off with a knife and literally chugged the bottle. I open my mouth to remind him he's a fucking child but Robbie beats me to the punch.

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