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Jess's pov.....

The silence in this car is deafening and the vibe I'm getting is completely negative. Don is beyond mad and won't look at me. Adam is super pissed and won't look or talk..... Not even yell at me.

I'm scared to be completely honest. I know Adam will spank me until I can't feel anything anymore. And Don won't help because he's mad at me. I want Ace and Cody..... No. I NEED them.

"Can I call Ace and Cody?" I ask and Adam scoffs but says nothing. Don doesn't say anything and I huff and cross my arms. This is complete bullshit! Adam fucks up and when I match the energy, I'm a bad guy too?

"I'm literally not learning my lesson obviously..... Tell Chris to send me off to a camp until I can legally get the fuck away from him for good." I snap and Don doesn't blink and he remains silent.

"Not gonna happen Jess. Shut the fuck up and bask in the fucking silence." Adam snaps back and I groan in annoyance. I look out the window and enjoy the scenery because I know Adam will have me locked up again.

Chris's pov......

"He thought he was so fucking slick! That fucking prick has been swiping our shit from under our noses for three years!" James yells and the men around shake their head in disappointment.

"I thought we all had a deal. We stay out of each other's asses and make our money fair and square through our own territory. Who in the fuck gave this dickwad an okay to fuck with my shit?!?" He points at Duke who is already bleeding out his nose from the previous beating.

"James, give yourself a break, you'll fuck up the peace if you keep hollering." Ramon interjects. The old man gets up from his seat and walks up to the angry man. He pats him on the shoulder gently and motions him to sit. James didn't fight with him, he gives Duke one last look before walking away.

"Duke, my old pal!" Ramon smiles as he pats Duke's shoulder. Duke looks up and glares at Ramon. I would too if the man that arranged this meeting came up to me and claimed we were old pals.

The sound of the doors to the warehouse being opened wavered everyone's attention from Duke and Ramon. There stood some blonde dude with a cowboy hat. Corny as fuck.

"Oh dam, did I miss the stoning already?" He giggles and that giggle alone made me immediately dislike him. He holds his stomach and lifts up a hand, his feet takes turn taking a step forward and back, he also moves his hips in a circular motion. Is this nigga tryna salsa?

"Give me me some nachos simpatico!" He yells out as he stops dancing and points at Ramon. I turn my head to Ramon and his tanned skin is now bright red. He takes his hand off of Duke and points back at the cornball.

"Wayne, I see you finally took your dick out of your men's mouths to join us." Ramon jokes and men around chuckle at his words. I don't chuckle at all, I get the feeling that it wasn't a joke for some reason.

"Oh, you seem to be obsessed with whose mouth I stick my dick in Ramon. You must want to be next papi." The man I guess is Wayne says. He made sure to drag the word 'papi' by popping his lips at the 'p'.

Ramon, stunned by his words, had absolutely nothing to say. He stares at the strange man with disbelief. Wayne looks throughout the crowd and his eyes meets mine for a second before he continued his scan.

"Now Ramon, we all know that Duke just so fucking happens to be a favorite of mine.... And I see my favorite is all beat up. Who here is responsible for that?" Wayne asks as he looks at Ramon.

This is fucked up because I can tell Ramon is intimidated by Wayne. Yet, we all know the old rules of this life and the biggest is 'No Snitching '. Ramon keeps his mouth shut and Wayne continues to stare him down.

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