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Jess's pov....

If it weren't for my grumbling stomach, I would just stay in bed forever. I know it must be super late because it's night and all the lights in the hallway are off.

I lift myself up and make my way to the door. Adam most likely left because I don't hear anything. I'm not strong enough to starve all night and he's not desperate enough to wait all night to spank me.

I know that's all he wanted to do. He didn't want to talk, he wanted to trick me into opening up that door so he can make it impossible for me to sit. I roll my eyes and turn on my lights, they temporarily blind me but I quickly recover.

I yawn as I swing the door open and to my surprise, Adam stands there with a paper bag and a drink. I roll my eyes and get ready to shut my door but he pushes me further in and takes a step inside.

I glare at him but he ignores it and puts down the bag and drink. My stomach growls at the familiar scent of burgers and fries. Is this a new punishment? He's gonna eat in my face and watch me starve.... Right?

He turns around and his eyes met my own. I nearly gasp because his eyes aren't brown, they are blue. Contacts? They were always brown... Right? No? Maybe? Ugh, why do I even care? I don't. My thoughts are interrupted by the steps of Adam coming closer to me.

"No, please!" I beg, backing up and the closer he got made my anxiety rise. My back hits the wall and I close my eyes in fear. I hope he doesn't hit me with the belt again... I can't do that anymore.

I jump at the feeling of my face being cupped in hands and the thumbs on each side caressing my cheeks. I open my eyes and met the gentle eyes of Adam. His right hand drops but he leaves his left hand cupping my cheek.

"Everything I said to you was so wrong and disgusting. I apologize for hurting you Jess.... Fuck, I apologize for being a dick in the beginning. I have been a dick to you and I have no reason to be a dick to you." He whispers; his eyes drill into mine and I felt stuck.

"I want us to start over, I'll make it up to you the best I can. I can admit that I am not the easiest to stomach, but I promise to actually help you feel whatever you need to feel.... To.... Get better." He seems to not know what to say and that scares me because... I'm don't know what to say either.

Adam is apologizing to me. I slowly pinch myself to see if this is some kind of dream but I felt the pinch. He drops his left hand and that warm feeling disappeared. I look him over and he wears black jeans and a red shirt. His hair is a complete mess and he looks exhausted.

"Am I.... Did you just.... I accept your apology." I say after a long time of us staring at each other. He lets out a breath and I look down at my feet. He seems to be in relief, so, I caused him to feel exhausted.

"I bought some food for us.....Let's eat and I'll tell you some plans I have for us tomorrow." He says stepping away from me completely and heading towards the paper bag he put down.

I'm so confused right now. Adam apologized to me and manage not to whoop me for anything I said earlier. How does one go from being the angriest man on the planet to this calm and awkward man standing in front of me?

I grab the bag and dig into the food. I slowly make my way to the bed and sit down. Adam stands and watches me with patience. I pretended to not notice him and quickly take down the small cheese burger and large fries.

"I noticed that I'm in need of some clothes.... Would you like to go get some clothes for yourself as well?" Adam's words cut through the crunch of of the pickle I consume. I swallow and nod my head slowly. I would be a fucking fool to decline.

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